    关键词: 搅拌反应釜;搅拌装置;传动装置;夹套
    Design of Polyethylene Stirred Tank Reactor

    Abstract:The content is the design of Polyethylene stirred tank reactor. Structure using jacket.The medium in tank is Polyethylene.The design pressure is 2.8MPa.The medium in jacket is water vapor.The design pressure 2.0MPa.The main material is Q345R.Design method using the conventional design method of pressure vessel.According to GB150-98《Steel pressure vessel》technical enforcement.The design mainly includes the design options,reactor(tank and jacket)strength and structural design,the design of stirring device ,the design of drives and design other parts of the reactor.The results of the design calculations is accurate.In line with the actual polymerization reactor of the project.Drawing conform national standards for mechanical drawing requirements.Simple structure,reasonable,better than the actual equipment.The material mixed sufficient in reactor,uniform.Stirring effect to meet the production requirements.Easy material to form axial flow pattern between each other  
    The equipment has good mixed performance,low energy consumption,simple structure,easy operation and maintenance.And easy for material to form axial flow pattern between each other dispersed.Can increase the area of contact of the different physical.So the prospects of stirred tank reactor’s application is broad.
    KeyWords: stirred tank reactor;stirring equipment;drives equipment;jacket
     目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题研究的意义    1
    1.2 国内外反应釜技术的研究进展与主要成果    1
    1.2.1 搅拌装置的研究现状    1
    1.2.2 反应釜的密封技术    3
    1.2.3反应釜控制技术的现状    4
    1.3课题研究的内容    5
    2  聚乙烯搅拌反应釜的结构设计    6
    2.1 反应釜的设计参数    6
    2.1.1 设计压力的确定    6
    2.1.2 设计温度的确定    6
    2.2 釜体材料及结构型式的选择    6
    2.2.1 釜体材料的选择    6
    2.2.2 釜体结构型式的选择    7
    2.3 反应釜釜体的设计    7
    2.3.1 釜体的结构设计    7
    2.3.2 封头尺寸    11
    2.3.3 水压试验校核    13
    2.4 夹套几何尺寸计算    13
    2.4.1 夹套筒体厚度计算    13
    2.4.2 水压试验校核    14
    3 反应釜的搅拌装置    15
    3.1 搅拌轴的材料和选型    15
    3.1.1 搅拌轴材料的选择    15
    3.1.2 搅拌器的选型    15
    3.1.3 挡板    16
    3.2 搅拌轴的设计    17
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