    摘要微机电系统(Micro Electro Mechanical Systems,MEMS)技术将微电子机械系统相结合,适应了引信的要求,使引信功能得以扩展,使引信信息化、智能化和灵巧化成为可能,从而可使引信技术产生质的飞跃。本文以用于控制起爆电路的万向开关为研究对象,对引信MEMS万向开关进行了性能分析。
    关键词  微机电系统  引信  万向开关毕业设计说明书(论文)外文摘要8090
    Title  Designing and Studying to the structure of MEMS  universal inertia switch          
    MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems) technology made the combination of microelectronics and mechanical system,which adapt to the requirements of the Fuze, made the Fuze function expanded and made the Fuze’s informatization, intelligentization and dexterity be possible, so the Fuze technology can make a qualitative leap. This paper regards the universal switch used to control the detonation circuit as the studying object and analyze the performance of universal switch.
    Firstly, this paper puts forward many performance indexes which the switch should meet and expounds its working principle and theory model according to its Fuze environment; Secondly ,according to the index request, design the structure of the switch and analyze the influence of structure size on the performance of the switch; And then,make the Modal Analysis and the Transient Analysis to the switch by using the finite element simulation, which defines the specific structure size of the switch and verifies the universality and contact reliability of the switch; Finally,work out the switch’s fabricate on process.
    Keywords  Micro Electro Mechanical Systems  Fuze  Universal switch
    目 次
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 选题背景    1
    1.2 本文的主要研究工作    2
    1.3 MEMS基本概念    2
    1.4 MEMS技术特点    2
    1.5 MEMS技术在引信中的应用    3
    1.6 国内外MEMS万向开关研究现状    4
    2 引信MEMS万向开关的工作环境    7
    2.1 勤务处理环境    7
    2.2 发射环境    8
    2.3 飞行环境    10
    2.4 撞击目标环境    11
    3 万向开关的技术指标    13
    3.1 万向性要求    13
    3.2 接触要求    13
    3.3 抗过载要求    13
    4引信MEMS万向开关的结构设计    14
    4.1 万向开关的理论计算    14
    4.2 万向开关的质量块和支撑弹簧设计    17
    4.3 万向开关的缓冲弹簧设计    17
    4.4 万向开关的整体结构图    18
    5 引信MEMS万向开关的仿真分析    20
    5.1 有限元软件基本概念介绍    20
    5.2 万向开关的模态分析    21
    5.3 万向开关的瞬态动力学分析    28
    5.4 万向开关的抗过载分析    36
    5.5 万向开关参数的确定    38
    6 万向开关的MEMS工艺技术研究    39
    6.1 MEMS加工工艺简介    39
    6.2 MEMS万向开关加工工艺流程设计    41
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