    关键词: 整体叶轮  B样条曲线  直纹面 刀位规划 仿真
    Geometric modeling and five-axis NC machining of  Integral impeller based on UG NX
    Abstract: The impeller parts is a class representative and relatively standardized modeling the typical channel complex parts, shape characteristics, the design of the work surface comes to aerodynamics, fluid dynamics, and other disciplines, surface machining means of machining precision and surface quality has a significant impact on its performance parameters. It is inseparable from the design and manufacture of the impeller. Traditional impeller machining blades and hub rough after blade welding, shaping the wheel Yi. This method is not only time-consuming, and the various properties of the impeller is difficult to guarantee. In recent years, multi-axis CNC technology, especially the development of the five-axis CNC technology makes the overall processing of the impeller become possible and the growing popularity.
    Overall impeller is widely used in aerospace and other fields as the key components of the power machinery, processing technology has been an important topic in the manufacturing industry. It can be seen from the overall geometry of the impeller and process the integral impeller machining, the machining trajectory planning constraints is more, the space between the adjacent blades is smaller processing Collision easy to produce, automatically generated without interfere with the machining path more difficult. Accordingly, in the process of processing the impeller, not only to ensure that the machining path of the blade surface is able to meet the requirements of geometric accuracy, but somewhat limited due to the thickness of the blade, but also in the actual processing Note trajectory planning in order to maintain the quality of processing. At present, the majority of the majority of our production impeller manufacturers using large CAD / CAM software is completed, the following will be used specifically for impeller machining module in NX 7.5 in practical application.
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