    毕业论文关键词:  高效 多轴式钻床 齿轮轴 专用夹具
    Abstract   The development of industrial manufacturing is a benchmark for the progress of the country, and how to reflect the strong industry manufacturing industry, it is from the product quality, production efficiency and so on.. Is not difficult for us to from an industrial powerhouse Germany seen their pipeline is banned industrial robots, a station can be processed in many kinds of, which is the production efficiency is famous in the world.
         Indeed, the graduation design topic for four cylinder crankshaft drill expanding hole special machine tool design, four cylinders crankshaft automobile industry, as the most common parts, yield is very large, and four cylinder crankshaft can become a central bridge of automobile engine, its quality to seek to directly affect the engine, even the pros and cons of a car. Although this step of my subject is a minimal ring of the entire car production, but if I can design a highly efficient equipment, is still valuable and meaningful.
         In the next explain in, I will introduce my four cylinders crankshaft drill to extend special drilling machine design, in order to show I design the focus of multiple axes, drilling machine, I will my multiple spindle box of modular machine tool design are described in detail, tied to write specific parameters of the calculation process and the key of the gear transmission system graph, and finally the special fixture design process.
    Keywords:High efficiency;Multiple axis drilling; Gear axle ;Special fixture
    1  概论    1
    2  多轴式钻床总体布局设计    3
       2.1 概述    3
       2.2 钻床工艺方案的制定    4
    2.2.1影响机床工艺方案制定的主要因素    5
    2.2.2制定工艺方案的原始条件分析    6
    2.2.3 工艺路线的制定    6
    2.2.4 工序余量及工序尺寸的确定    7
    2.2.5 切削用量的确定    7
    2.3 机床总体布局方案分析    8
    2.4运动联系分析    9
    2.4.1运动联系的形式    10
    2.4.2运动联系形式的选择    10
    2.4.3该钻的运动联系分析    10
    3  主轴箱及部件设计    11
    3.1 动力部件的选择    11
    3.1.1电动机的选择计算    11
    3.2 减速器的选取    13
    3.3 主轴箱零件的设计    15
    3.3.1齿轮的设计    15
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