





    As one of the most important parts, the car engine crankshaft is under the maximum load and the whole power, running with a high temperature and a high pressure for a long time. For the bending and torque with continuing changes of direction, the abrasion of running with high speed, so the crankshaft always works under a bad working environment. This leads to the high demand of the material and processing technology of crankshaft. However, there are only few choices of the crankshaft’s material. Even if there has one, the price must be too high to use it. So it is need more innovative thinking of the processing technology.

    This design is about an automobile six cylinder of the crankshaft processing technology and fixture design. The purpose is making a huge amount of crankshafts, for which to make a process route. This part is the key point and the difficult point of the design. If there hasn’t a rational process route, it will be a huge waste of time and power, at the same time, it will influence the quality and efficiency of making crankshafts. All of this will be express on the cost. So, we need to find a rational process route to make the processing easier and improve the quality and efficiency of making crankshafts.

    Meanwhile, the fixture design is also a key point of this design. Because of the amount is very large and the precision demand is high, the suitable special fixture must be used. It can reduce the error of process, not only improve the quality of process, but also the efficiency. As the second key point of the design, it is very important to make sure the special fixture can meet demand. Following the process route, I chose two of the process route to design the special fixture.

    Key words: crankshaft; processing technology; special fixture; design


    摘要 I


    1绪论 1

    1.1课题来源 1

    1.2研究意义 1

    1.3曲轴的材料 2

    1.4曲轴的工艺 3

    1.5研究中的问题及要点 5


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