



    Abstract Crankshaft is the most important part with maximum load in the engine.The crankshaft is under the gas pressure in cylinder and the load with cyclical change resulted by rotating inertia force ,and output the torque outside.Theory and practice indicate that the main damage form of the crankshaft in automotive engine (small and medium engine)is bending fatigue damage.So the initiation of the alternating bending stress in the crankshaft may cause the crankshaft fatigue failure.And once the crankshaft failured,it could cause other parts to be damaged.

    In view of the importance of the use of the crankshaft, it is appropriate to use advanced calculation method, such as finite element method , to analysis to understand whether there are design obvious flaw on the crankshaft. The traditional multi-cylinder machine crankshaft stress and deformation calculation usually use continuous beam simplified model, but the precision is not enough. Large finite element software should be the first choice of high accuracy calculation. So this paper use Pro/E to construct a three dimensional finite element model with the actual situation. Then add the model into the ANSYS to simulate real boundary conditions of the crankshaft. Modal analysis is used to obtains each vibration mode and frequency to provide some reference for the design improvement of structure.

    Key word: Crankshaft, Finite element,  Pro/E,  ANSYS


    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1课题背景 1

    1.1.1课题来源、目的及意义 1

    1.1.2主要研究内容 1

    1.2国内外研究现状 2

    1.2.1发动机零部件有限元网格生成技术 2

    1.2.2汽车发动机中复杂边界条件的确定和施加 2

    第二章  有限元及ANSYS简介 4

    2.1有限元的发展历史 4

    2.2 有限元的基本概念 5

    2.3 有限元法的一般程序结构 8

    2.4 有限元法的发展趋势 9

    第三章曲柄连杆机构受力分析 11

    3.1载荷处理 11

    3.2边界条件处理 12

    3.2.1载荷边界 12

    3.2.2 约束边界 14

    第四章 基于Pro/E实体建模 15

    4.1 实体建模技术研究

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