




    Abstract Because diesel has a higher thermal efficiency ,the wider power range,faster startup speed,easy maintenance ,safe operation and long service life,it is widely used, particularly in the shipbuilding industry has an irreplaceable role.As a key part of the diesel engine crankshaft, determine the life of diesel engines, running stability and security.

        With the continuous development of diesel engines, diesel engine shave become increasingly harsh working conditions,the strength of the crankshaft engine design has been a key step to obtain accurate crankshaft stress distribution,natural frequencies and mode shapes of the diesel engine improvements of great significance.

        As technology continues to develop and use requirements increase, the design methods and tool shave been continuously improved,sorely on experience, static,qualitative,traditional methods of trial and error can not now use the design requirements.Now computer-based,numerical simulation analysis design method has been widely used.

    This paper studies the working principle of diesel engine, diesel engine crankshaft structural analysis,using three-dimensional design software Pro/E for the diesel engine crankshaft system was simplified structure and modeling of mechanical simulation software ADAMS environment into a diesel engine crankshaft system Pro/Ethe model and the model is constrained to add,the work force is applied.While they stem kinematics and dynamics simulation analysis.The main analysis of the cylinder piston displacement,velocity and acceleration of the movement of,the force of the piston pin;while the output torque of the crankshaft is analyzed, and the output of the verification.The results show that using virtual prototyping technology can improve the engine crankshaft system design standards and design efficiency,help to improve the overall performance diesel machines.

    Key words:Diesel Engine;Crankshaft system;Multi-body dynamics;ADAMS


    第一章 绪论 1

      1.1 课题的背景及意义-1

      1.2 研究现状及发展趋势-2

      1.3 研究内容及研究方法-3

      1.4 本章小结-3

    第二章 柴油机的工作原理4

      2.1 柴油机的基本组成-4

      2.2 柴油机的工作原理-4

      2.3 曲轴的功用-6

      2.4 曲轴设计-7

    2.4.1 曲轴设计要求及步骤-7

        2.4.2 曲轴常用材料-7

    2.4.3 曲轴的结构设计及其选择-8

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