


    毕业论文关键词: 曲轴 工艺  中心孔 动平衡  基准 连杆颈

    Abstract  The crankshaft is one of the most important parts of diesel engine. According to the diesel engine type and properties of different, crankshaft blank pattern, structure, material, dimensions, weight is different, which determines the ways of processing. In addition to production of different types, process and the length of the degree of automation of process optimization, the difference is greater, but the basic process is substantially the same as the.

    The crankshaft is responsible for the reciprocating motion of the piston into rotary motion, under complex stress, directly affects the service life of engine, the advanced design and processing technology of rationality is to improve the life of crankshaft, to ensure normal operation of the internal combustion engine is important assure. This article in view of the N490type diesel engine crankshaft process design for crankshaft processing, more important process, center hole drilling, dynamic balance, connecting rod neck processing, polishing process are studied, to improve the original product quality. Also relates to N490crankshaft machining process design and application, highlighting the crankshaft processing in focus, difficulty: belongs to typical flexure, slender shaft, the rigidity of process system difference, must strengthen the processing system of rigid measures; at the same time must be rationally arranging heat treatment process to eliminate heat treatment deformation on mechanical the influence of processing precision.

    Key words: crankshaft dynamic balance technology center hole base connecting rod neck

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 研究对象 1

    1.2 曲轴和飞轮简介 1

    1.3 国内外研究现状 1

    1.4 主要研究内容 3

    1.5 研究方法 3

    第二章 曲轴飞轮的设计 4

    2.1 柴油机技术参数说明 4

    2.2 柴油机的工作原理 4

    2.3 柴油机曲轴的功用 4

    2.4曲轴的工作条件、结构型式和材料的选择 5

    2.4.1  曲轴的工作条件和设计要求 5

    2.4.2  曲轴的材料 6

    2.4.3  曲轴结构型式的选择 6

    2.4.4 曲轴强化的方法

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