

        High frequency relief machine Design
    Abstract: With the rapid growth of economy, the demand of paper will maintain rapid growth.Relief machine as paper-making equipment, is a kind of important paper machinery.
    Relief machine is the main part of belt tooth shape of stator and rotor.Relief machine using from the role of the mechanical rotor and rotor rotation caused by the hydraulic shearing action for pulp raw material.The rotor and swivel the fixed one,swivel teeth, the end face of the stator blades and blade adjacent.So after primary organization of pulp from the cone of the adjacent stator and rotor movement to the stator end.Due to sudden movement and swivel of the stator and the inertial force of different pieces of waste paper to produce different acceleration.Then make the slurry in the stator and the swivel of the adjacent blade further relief to complete the final relief pulp.
    This subject is to relief machine design.Analysis in the design process, I have mastered to relief machine working principle and its characteristics.Developed a series of solutions and the argument.I calculation after relieving machine's main parts.And has carried on the check to them.I also use my professional knowledge and master drawing skills,to general assembly drawing and the drawing of each parts drawing.

    Key words: relief ;rotor ;spindle
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题的目的和意义    1
    1.2 选题的背景    2
    1.3 课题的难点    4
    1.3.1传动系统的设计    4
    1.3.2密封系统的设计    4
    1.3.3润滑系统的设计    4
    1.3.4转盘平衡的设计    5
    2 总体方案设计论证    6
    2.1 疏解机的分类    6
    2.2 疏解机的工作原理    8
    2.3 疏解机的优缺点    9
    2.4 提高疏解机效率的方法    10
    2.5 齿盘式高频疏解机转子结构设计分析    10
    2.6 润滑系统的方案分析    10
    2.6.1润滑在机械设备运转中起的作用    10
    2.6.2润滑的方式    11
    2.7 密封系统的方案分析    12
    2.8 传动系统的设计分析    13
    2.8.1传动方式的确定    13
    2.8.2机械传动的确定    13
    3 主要零部件的结构设计    15
    3.1 电机的选择    15
    3.2 主轴材料的选择与设计    17
    3.3 垫圈的选择    17
    3.4 轴承的设计与选择    19
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