
    摘要本篇论文的椭圆曲柄是一种能够产生椭圆曲线的行星机构,椭圆曲柄滑块机构是曲柄 滑块机构的一种特殊的机构,但它能够改变曲柄的长度和转速达到改变滑块运动特性的目 的。本文还研究了椭圆曲柄机构在极限位置时,滑块具有近似间歇的特性。69638

    本次设计对椭圆曲柄滑块间歇机构的研究,利用实例模拟进行分析椭圆曲柄滑块机构, 研究间歇机构形成条件和参数对间歇机构的影响。提出间歇范围的调整方法。最后给出实 例。在整个过程中学习到了许多的机构设计的知识和对在校所学知识的深化,我的科学研 究能力得到了很大的提升。

    毕业论文关键词:椭圆 曲柄滑块 间歇 组合机构

    Design of elliptic crank slider intermittent mechanism


    This thesis elliptic crank is a capable of generating elliptic curve of planetary bodies and elliptic slider crank mechanism is slider crank mechanism is a kind of special mechanism, but it can change crank length and speed to change the movement characteristics of the slider. In this paper, we also study the characteristic of the approximate interval of the slider with the elliptic crank mechanism in the limit position.

    In this design, the research on the elliptic crank slider intermittent mechanism is carried out, and an example is used to simulate the elliptic crank slider mechanism. A method for adjusting the interval range is proposed. Finally, a case is given. In the whole process of learning to a number of institutional design knowledge and the deepening of school knowledge, my ability to scientific research has been greatly improved.

    Key Words: Elliptic Crank block Intermittent Combination mechanism

    目 录

    摘 要 I

    Abstract II

    目 录 III

    1  绪论 1

    1.1 快速发展的机械工业 1

    1.2 曲柄滑块机构的研发现状和未来发展方向 2

    2 椭圆曲柄滑块机构的分析 4

    2.1 椭圆曲柄滑块运动分析 4

    2.2 最小转动角γmin 6

    2.3 连杆的最小长度 lmin 6

    3  间歇机构综合 8

    3.1 基本参数的相互关系 8

    3.2 行星连杆最小长度 bmin 8

    3.3 滑块的极限位置 8

    3.4 间歇范围∅

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