    研究结果表明:挤压膨化后,还原糖含量从2.25%增加到2.63%;荞麦粉中总蛋白质、总脂肪含量分别为11.17%、4.2%,与膨化前11.18%、4.2%相比未发生明显变化,而可溶性蛋白质和游离脂肪酸则分别从1.99%和2.9%降低到1.58%和1.7%;粗纤文含量从3.09%降低至0.04%;同时,挤压膨化工艺可使荞麦粉接近完成糊化,糊化度从10.51%增加至94.78%;荞麦粉在95℃的溶解度、膨润力分别从19.17%、7.23%提高到20.21%、7.79;膨化后荞麦粉制成凝胶可经受反复冻融,冻融稳定性显著增强;糊透光率从11.53%降低至1.47%;在偏中性及碱性环境下,荞麦粉凝沉程度降低,稳定性提高;凝胶强度从24.4 g/cm2增加到44.0g/cm2。由此可见,挤压膨化技术可以在不损失荞麦粉的营养成分的情况下改善口感,而且还可以改善其加工特性。因此,挤压膨化技术对于荞麦粉的加工有着重大意义。
    The research of Extrusion technology on processing features of buckwheat
    In this study, buckwheat as raw materials. By measuring pasting solubility and swelling power, freeze-thaw stability, transparency, retrogradation, paste, gel strength, reducing sugar content, crude fiber content, soluble protein, total protein and fat content of buckwheat before and after extrusion. It focused on the impact extrusion technology for physical and chemical properties and processing properties of buckwheat flour.
    The results showed that: After extrusion, reducing sugar content from 2.25% increased to 2.63%; total protein, total fat content of buckwheat was 11.17%, 4.2%, compared with the previous extrusion 11.18%, 4.2% did not change significantly. However, the soluble protein and free fatty acids were reduced from 1.99% to 1.58% and 2.9% and 1.7%; Crude fiber content reduced from 3.09% to 0.04%; Meanwhile, the extrusion process allows buckwheat nearing completion paste, gelatinization increased from 10.51% to 94.78%; at 95℃,solubility and swelling power of buckwheat flour increased from 19.17%, 7.23% to 20.21%, 7.79%; After extrusion gel made from buckwheat flour can withstand repeated freezing and thawing, freeze-thaw stability significantly enhanced; Paste transmittance reduced from 11.53% to 1.47%; At neutral pH and alkaline environment, retrogradation degree of buckwheat reduced, stability is improved; Gel strength increased from 24.4 g / cm2 to 44.0g / cm2. Thus, extrusion technology can improve the taste without the loss of nutrients of buckwheat flour, but also can improve its processing characteristics. Thus, extrusion technology for processing of buckwheat is of great significance.
    Key Words:Extrusion; buckwheat; processing characteristics
    摘要    I
    Abstract    II
    目录    III
    1.绪论    1
    1.1概述    1
    1.1.1荞麦的营养功能    1
    1.1.2荞麦加工特性的不足    1
    1.1.3挤压膨化技术研究现状    2
    1.2本课题的研究的目的和意义    3
    2. 使用的材料试剂、仪器设备和采取的方法、技术    5
    2.1使用的材料试剂、仪器设备    5
    2.1.1 材料试剂    5
    2.1.2 仪器设备    5
    2.2 采取的方法、技术    6
    2.2.1 膨化荞麦粉的制备    6
    2.2.2 挤压膨化处理对荞麦粉加工特性的影响分析    6
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