    摘要:本课题通过建立灵敏度高、准确度高、重复性和重现性好的检测方法,对各种类型茶叶中的微量稀土元素进行分析研究。分析方法的有效性和准确性是该课题非常重要的前提和保障,样品前处理和仪器分析是建立分析方法的两大内容。本课题采用茶叶粉碎、微波消解、赶酸、定容等对茶叶进行前处理,通过电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICPMS)测定茶叶中的稀土元素。同时,对绿茶国家标准物质【1】(编号GBW10052(GSB-30))进行检测,数据符合标准要求,说明建立的分析方法完全适用于该课题。在建立的分析方法基础上,选取22个不同种类的茶叶进行测定。测试结果表明,属于半发酵类型的青茶 中的稀土元素含量较其他茶叶品种的稀土元素的含量要高出许多。32451
    毕业论文关键词: 稀土元素;茶叶;电感耦合等离子质谱仪;微波消解
    Study on the rare earth elements in tea
    Abstract: This study is mainly to the determination of trace rare earth elements in tea, analyze the results when the accuracy of the data is improved. in order to make the data become more accaurate and sure the reliability of the experimental data after , the study texts the standard tea sample again and again. after that ,the study measured many different kind tea samples what from different locations with the method which ensured before. the pretreatment of tea samples is used microwave digestion ,and used ICP-MS to measure the data. In the process of preliminary experiment, the results of some elements is lower than it used to be, the study made it out with changing experiment method and adjusting the standard curve, at last study gets a more perfect experiment process ,then measured all of the tea samples with the same way. according to the data , the trace rare earth elements in Oolong tea which is half fermentation tea is more than others tea kind.
    Keywords: Rare earth elements ; Tea ; ICP-MS ; Microwave digestion     
    1前言    1
    1.1课题的意义与目地    1
    1.2稀土元素的简介    1
    1.2.1稀土元素的分类    2
    1.2.2稀土元素在人体中的分布    2
    1.2.3稀土元素对人体的不良影响    2
    1.2.4稀土元素的药理作用    2
    1.3茶叶的简介    3
    1.3.1茶叶的发酵    3
    1.3.2发酵茶    4
    1.4微波湿化消解    4
    1.4.1湿化消解    4
    1.4.2微波消解    5
    1.5电感耦合等离子体质谱    5
    2实验部分    6
    2.1实验用品    6
    2.1.1实验设备    6
    2.1.2实验试剂    6
    2.1.3实验材料    7
    2.2溶液的配置    7
    2.2.1硝酸溶液的配置    7
    2.2.2内标溶液的配置    7
    2.3标准曲线溶液的制备    7
    2.4检出限和定量限    8
    2.5茶叶加标样品制备    8
    2.6 样品前处理    8
    2.6.1 样品研磨    8
    2.6.2 微波消解    8
    2.6.3 赶酸和定容    9
    2.7样品的测定(ICPMS)    9
    3实验结果与讨论    10
    3.1数据的计算    10
    3.1.1稀土元素含量计算:    10
    3.1.2回收率的计算    10
    3.1.3茶叶中稀土氧化物的计算    10
    3.2分析方法确认数据    11
    3.2.1 标准曲线    11
    3.2.2检出限和定量限    16
    3.2.3 茶叶加标样品的准确度和精密度    16
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