    毕业论文关键词: 杂粮;挤压加工;血糖生成指数
    The product’s development of the extruded extrusion cereal
    Through the customers have paid more and more attention to the concept of their health, the resume of the cereals is rising quickly, however, the low processing technology of the cereal product have reduced the development of its industry. So it is meaningful to research its deeper processing technology to develop various engineered foods for the requires from the market.
    In this essay, since the information about the quality of nutrients which is necessary for the human being everyday has been gotten, six different kinds of formulas are set. And then, the best one has been selected through the various experiments, and its different features are also analyzed. At the same time, the affection about the GI value has been researched through the animal experiments. The result of the formula optimization shows that the best formula contains 26.25% green bean、37.5% pearl barely、11.25% chickpea and 25% normal rice. Its manufacture condition contains 200r/min for the screw rotation speed、90℃-110℃-140℃ for the barrel temperature、25%Moisture content、20Hz for the feeding motor power and 40Hz for the rotary motor power.
    The different features of this formula shows that the best drying condition is forth-five minutes under 75℃ which is good for its preservation. And the best cooking condition contains 1:1.7 for rice water ratio、10 minutes for soaking and 10 minutes for keeping warm. At the same time, according to the experiments’ results of sensory evaluation and texture analysis, the result shows that the samples are much better than the normal rice about the aspects of its eating quality, chewiness, adhesiveness, water absorption index and boiling resistance. The result of its activity shows that the GI value of this formula is 39.17, which is lower than the normal rice's GI value.
    So the final result of this essay can provide the technical references of the extruded extrusion cereal and the control of human beings’ blood sugar. At the same time, it also can supply the technology support to the cereals product’s research.
    Key words:  Cereals; Extrusion processing; Glycemic index
    目 录
    1研究背景介绍    1
    1.1 杂粮市场的现状    1
    1.1.1 杂粮市场的产量情况    1
    1.1.2 杂粮市场的需求情况    1
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