
    摘要:本论文选用灵芝菌糠作为实验原料,进行灵芝菌糠多糖的提取以及活性炭制备工艺研究。通过控制热水浸提法中pH、浸提时间、浸提温度以及料液比等四个不同因素,采用单因子及SAS优化方法研究灵芝菌糠多糖提取最佳工艺条件。结果表明,灵芝菌糠多糖提取的最适pH为6、最适浸提时间为3h、最适浸提温度为85℃、最适料液比为1:25,多糖提取率达到23.78 mg/g,较未优化提高了123%。将提取多糖后的残渣通过微波辅助H3PO4和KOH活化制备活性炭,用亚甲基蓝的吸附量作为评价指标。结果表明,最佳活化剂为KOH,最佳微波火力为中高火,活化剂浓度为70%,Qt值达90.15 mg/g,较未优化提高了138%。本实验以灵芝菌糠为原料,利用热水浸提法获取灵芝多糖,再利用微波辅助活化剂炭化活化菌糠残渣制得活性炭,从而实现了灵芝菌糠的资源化利用,同时也减轻了由废弃菌糠造成的环境污染。67605


    Abstract: This paper chose waste Ganoderma Lucidum fungus chaff as the raw materials to study the extraction technology and the prepararation activated carbon .By controlling pH, time, temperature and the ratio of material to solvent, the most effective extraction technology of polysaccharide by single factor experiments and SAS software to evaluate were studied. The results showed that, the optimal pH of polysaccharide extraction was 6, time of polysaccharide extraction was 3 h, temperature of polysaccharide extraction was 80 ℃, and ratio of material to solvent of polysaccharide extraction was 1:25. The concentration of extracted polysaccharide reached 23.78mg/g which increased by 123% compared with that was not optimized. The waste raw material was activated by H3PO4 and KOH with the assistance of microwave irradiation technology. The activated carbon was treated by different activators and found methylene blue adsorption as evaluation criterion. The results showed that, the optimal activator was KOH; the optimal microwave power was low heat and the optimal activator concentration was 50%. The Qt reached 90.15 mg/g, increased by 138% compared with that was not optimized. The paper studied the optimal condition to use waste Ganoderma Lucidum fungus chaff as raw materials in extraction technology of polysaccharides and prepare activated carbon with residue in order to realize the recycling utilization of Ganoderma Lucidum fungus chaff and reduced the environment pollution.

    Key words: Ganoderma Lucidum fungus chaff; Polysaccharide; Activated carbon; Adsorption

    目  录

    1. 前 言 5

    1.1 灵芝多糖简介 5

    1.2 活性炭简介 5

    1.3 研究目的与意义 6

    1.4 实验设计思路 6

    2. 材料与方法 8

    2.1 试剂 8

    2.2 仪器与设备 8

    2.3 实验方法 8

    2.3.1灵芝多糖提取方法 8

    2.3.2 多糖测定方法 8

    2.3.3灵芝菌糠制备活性炭方法 9

    2.3.4 活性炭吸附性能测试方法——亚甲基蓝吸附法 9

    3.结果与讨论 11

    3.1 灵芝菌糠多糖提取 11

    3.1.1 浸提时间对灵芝多糖提取的影响 11

    3.1.2 浸提温度对多糖提取的影响

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