    The Design of Process and Formula of Brown Rice Tea Beverage
    Abstract: This topic is to Brown and as raw materials research and development of a compound beverage of oolong tea. This paper focused on the brown rice and tea processing, monomer, stabilizer, homogenization and sterilization effect of process on product stability. Results displayed: in 30 ℃ after 8h soaking, brown rice sucking water rate up 25.37%; in 35 ℃ after 14h germination, brown rice germination up 62%; in 170 ℃ after 20min of baking, its process reached best; Alpha-starch enzyme enzyme solutions conditions for: pH=6, in 2g end of real in the added 0.05g Alpha-starch enzyme, 95 ℃ enzyme solutions 20min; Glucoamylase enzyme solutions conditions for: pH=4.5, in 2g end of real in the mashing enzyme of added volume for 0.003g, 60 ℃ enzyme solutions 100min; through single factor and orthogonal experiment, get oolong tea of dip mention of best conditions for: 95 ℃ dip mention 20min, material than 1:70; design get of brown rice tea beverage of formula for: tea: Brown rice pulp for 1:2, and 2% sugar, and 0.025%HMBP-C; used high-speed shear machine, in the speed are quality 10min; used 90 ℃ sterilization 16min through this formula and process making can get a paragraph nutrition rich, and flavor unique of health beverage.
    KeyWords : oolong; brown rice; Process and formula; The compound beverage
    目  录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 糙米茶饮料的国内外概况    1
    1.2糙米概述    1
    1.2.1 糙米的营养价值    1
    1.2.2 糙米的药用价值    2
    1.2.3 糙米的食用价值    2
    1.2.4 糙米的开发前景    2
    1.3茶叶概述    2
    1.3.1 乌龙茶的营养价值    3
    1.3.2 乌龙茶的保健价值    3
    1.4 影响饮料品质的因素    3
    1.4.1 甜剂    3
    1.4.2 增稠剂    4
    1.4.3 酶制剂    5
    1.4.4灭菌    5
    1.4.5 均质    5
    1.5 本课题的研究目的和意义    6
    2 材料与方法    7
    2.1 实验材料    7
    2.2 仪器与设备    7
    2.3 实验方法    8
    2.3.1工艺流程及操作要点    8
    2.3.2 乌龙茶的预处理    9
    2.3.3糙米吸水率的测定    10
    2.3.4糙米发芽率的测定    10
    2.3.5 糙米茶饮料稳定性的研究    10
    2.3.6 破坏性实验    10
    2.3.7 感官评定    11
    3 结果与讨论    12
    3.1发芽糙米粉制备工艺的研究    12
    3.1.1糙米浸泡条件的确定    12
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