    摘要:作为珍稀药用真菌,桑黄的主要活性成分是多糖,近年来的研究表明,桑黄多糖具有抗肿瘤及其它多种生物功能。本文将对桑黄子实体多糖进行分离纯化,之后采用多种分析仪器对桑黄子实体多糖进行结构分析,对桑黄多糖的开发利用提供一定的理论基础。实验方法是将安徽椴木栽培的桑黄子实体采用水体乙醇分级醇沉,再冷冻干燥得到所需的水溶性多糖,通过5000截留分子量的中空纤文膜对桑黄粗多糖进行超滤,得到初步的粗多糖组成,分别为FP30,FP50和FP70。之后取50%醇沉组分(FP50)经过超滤的粗多糖通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶Sephacryl S-300 进行分离纯化得纯多糖FP50P,分析采用高效阴离子色谱(HPAEC),凯氏定氮法,ICS2500离子色谱仪,气质联用等技术分析FP50P的结构。结果表明:桑黄子实体多糖FP50P分子量为2.125×104u,多糖中不含有蛋白质及核酸,由3种单糖构成,分别是岩藻糖、D-半乳糖及葡萄糖,摩尔比为 1.00:2.89:6.10。甲基化结果表明岩藻糖残基以端基形式存在于支链上,葡萄糖残基有两种连接方式,分别是端基形式存在于支链及1,6-连接存在于主链上,摩尔比为2.12:3.86。半乳糖残基分别以1,3,6-连接和1,2,4-连接存在于主链上,摩尔比为1.10:1.84。21481
    Purification of Phellinus baumii polysaccharides from fruiting bodies
     Abstract:As a rare medicinal fungus, the main active ingredient of Phellinus igniarius polysaccharides, recent studies have shown that, polysaccharide with anti-tumor and other biological functions. In this paper, these paration and purification of Phellinus fruiting body polysaccharide, after that, using a variety of analytical instrument of Phellinus fruiting body polysaccharide structure analysis, provide a theoretical basis for the development and utilization of Phellinus linteus polysaccharides. The experimental method is the Anhui basswood cultivated fruiting bodies of water ethanol fractionation with alcohol, and freeze drying to obtain the required water soluble polysaccharide, hollow fiber membrane by 5000 molecular weight cutoff of Sanghuang polysaccharide byultrafiltration, composition of crude polysaccharide obtained preliminary, respectively FP30, FP50 and FP70. Then, taking 50% alcohol fraction (FP50)after crude polysaccharide, ultra filtration by 
    polyacrylamide gel Sephacryl S-300 were isolated and purified to obtain pure polysaccharide FP50P, were analyzed by high performance anion exchange chromatography (HPAEC), Kjeldahl method, ICS2500 ion chromatography, GC-MS, analysis the structure of FP50P. Results: the fruiting body polysaccharide molecular weight of FP50P was 2.125 × 104u, protein and nucleic acid does not contain polysaccharide, composed of 3monosaccharides, respectively is D- fucose, galactose and glucose, the molar ratio of 1.00:2.89:6.10. The results show that methylation of fucose residues in the end in the form of branched chain of glucose residues, there are two kinds of connection mode, respectively is terminated in amylopectin and 1, 6- connectionexists in the main chain, molar ratio of 2.12:3.86. Galactose residues respectively by 1, 3, 2, and 1 6- connection, 4- connection exists in the main chain, molar ratio of 1.10:1.84.
    Keywords:Phellinus baumii;purification;structure characteristics;polysaccharides
    目  录
     1绪论    1
    1.1 桑黄多糖的理化性质和结构特征    1
    1.1.1 桑黄多糖的理化性质    1
    1.1.2桑黄多糖的结构特征    2
    1.2 桑黄多糖的分离技术    3
    1.3 桑黄多糖的生物活性    4
    1.3.1 桑黄多糖的抗肿瘤和免疫调节作用    4
    1.3.2桑黄多糖的降血糖和护肝作用    5
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