    摘要:本论文以新鲜茭白为原材料,以色差值E为评判指标,研究分析了不同浓度下单一或者复配护色剂在不同温度、不同pH值等对新鲜茭白的护色效果。用植物乳酸菌对护色过的茭白进行发酵,以发酵液中的乳酸含量和茭白的感官评分为指标,在研究菌粉添加量、pH值、发酵温度和发酵时间等单因素实验基础上进行正交优化,确定了最优发酵工艺及参数。用粗纤文含量和感官评分为指标,通过采用不同方法对发酵茭白浆进行干燥,确定了最佳的干燥工艺流程。研究结果表明:(1)茭白的护色最佳条件是:护色剂为抗坏血酸0.03%、氯化钠0.10%、柠檬酸0.6%及L-半胱氨酸0.08%进行复配,体系pH值为4.0,在4℃护色茭白能有效的保持较好风以及色泽。(2)茭白进行乳酸菌发酵的最佳工艺为:经护色的细条状茭白100g、热烫3min、沥干,快速装入已经消过毒的250mL锥形瓶中,加含盐6%、糖4%、pH值为6.0的冷沸水120mL,再加入1.6‰的菌粉,用水封法在15℃发酵3.5d。(3)用小火每微波干燥30s拿出冷却15s循环进行6min、在55℃鼓风干燥4h,-70℃冷冻干燥5d三种方法中,发酵好的茭白和水以1:2 的比例搅拌匀浆10min后经冷冻干燥最能保持发酵茭白的风和品质,鼓风干燥法能够去除更多的水分。冷冻干燥后的再经粉碎过60目筛,即得色香俱佳的茭白发酵干粉。21383
      Technique of preparing and Parametric design of fermented dry powderwith Zizania
    Abstract:In this thesis,fresh Zizania,as raw material,judging the value of E color index,research and analyze the color protection of fresh Zizania under different concentration of a single or complex color fixative at different temperatures,pH.Using lactic acid bacteria of plants fermentate on Zizania,with Lactic acid and sensory score levels in fermentation broth Zizania as an indicator,researching the single factors of sinensis dosage,pH,fermentation temperature and fermentation time,Orthogonal optimization on this basis,to determine the optimal parameters and the fermentation process.With crude fiber content and sensory score for the index,by using different methods for drying fermented Zizania syrup,to determine the best drying -process. The results show that:(1) The optimum conditions for color protection Zizania:Color fixative as ascorbic acid 0.03%,0.10% sodium chloride,citric acid 0.6% and 0.08% L-cysteine together,pH value 4.0 at 4℃,color protecting Zizania can effectively maintain good flavor and color.(2)Zizania optimum process on lactic acid fermentation:After retaining the color of thin strip Zizania 100g,blanching 3min,drain, fast loading has been sterilized 250mL conical flask,add salt 6%,sugar 4%,pH value of 6.0,cold boiling water 120mL,then adding 1.6 ‰ of sinensis,water sealing method at 15℃ fermentate for 3.5d.(3)Microwave drying on low fire heating take it out to cool for 15s each 30s,cycling for 6 min,Blast drying at 55℃ for -70℃,freeze drying for 5d,in this three methods,Fermented Zizania and water in a ratio of 1:2,stirring for 10min and then with freeze-drying the homogenate to maintain the flavor and quality of fermented Zizania,blast drying method can remove more moisture.After freeze-drying and then sifted through a 60 mesh sieve,the color yield,aroma and taste of Zizania fermented dry powder is best.
    KeyWords: Zizania, color technology, fermentation, Lactobacillus, fruit and vegetable powder
    目 录
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    茭白概况    1
    1.1.1  茭白的基本情况    1
    1.1.2  茭白营养特点及食用价值    1
    1.2我国果蔬粉行业现状和前景    1
    1.2.1  我国果蔬粉行业的现状    1
    1.2.2  我国果蔬粉行业的发展前景    2
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