    Evaluation the Bitterness of Drugs Based on Electronic Tongue Method
    Abstract:This paper mainly studied the preparation of the inclusion compounds of amylose from potato and berberine. Under the condition of different molar ratio, inclusion temperatures and inclusion times, nine groups of inclusion compounds were prepared. Using the standard solution of berberine hydrochloride as bitterness evaluation system model,on the one hand,the embedding rate is calculated by qualitative and quantitative analysis of electronic tongue to determine the optimal conditions for inclusion. A method for the detection of the bitterness of the drug by electronic tongue is established. On the other hand, we selected 10 sensory evaluation personnel and using 10 points system. The bitterness of the inclusion complexes and non-inclusion control sample was evaluated and scored by the sensory evaluation. Calculating the embedding rate to determine the optimum conditions for inclusion could be done. Through experiment, we can draw a conclusion that the optimal inclusion conditions was 100:1 of the mole ratio of berberine hydrochloride and amylose,50 inclusion temperature,4h the inclusion time. The combination of electronic tongue evaluation and sensory evaluation can better determine the optimal inclusion conditions and get optimal inclusion effect.
    Keywords: amylose; berberine; inclusion compounds; bitterness; electronic tongue; Sensory evaluation
    目 录
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1    苦研究概况    1
    1.1.1    苦形成机理    1
    1.1.2    苦呈机理    1
    1.1.3    苦物质    2
    1.2    盐酸黄连素研究概况    4
    1.3    包合物对抑制药物苦的研究概况    4
    1.4    电子舌的研究概况    5
    1.4.1    电子舌原理    5
    1.4.2    电子舌传感器分类介绍    5
    1.4.3    两种新型的电子舌系统    6
    1.4.4    电子舌对苦评价的研究概况    7
    1.5    研究的目的和意义    8
    1.5.1    研究的目的    8
    1.5.2    研究的意义    8
    1.6    主要研究内容    8
    2.    实验材料和方法    8
    2.1    实验材料    8
    2.1.1    原料与试剂    8
    2.1.2    仪器与设备    9
    2.2    实验方法    9
    2.2.1    酸水解法制备直链淀粉    9
    2.2.2    盐酸小檗碱苦评价系统的建立    10
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