



    Borax is a kind of common banned food additives. Because of high toxicity, it is banned to add to food in all countries around the world. However, borax can increase food’s toughness and brittleness, so some "dirty" vendors tends to illegally add the borax in noodles, dumplings, and rice, meat balls and so on,  in order to achieve the effect of anticorrosion and improved color. After eating food containing borax, person in less serious cases will lost appetite and indigestion, those in severe cases can cause some poisoning symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, erythema, circulatory dysfunction, shock, coma and even death. The detection method of borax in food at home and abroad basically has two kinds, respectively is qualitative test and quantitative test. Qualitative method including microscopic crystallization and chromogenic method, quantitative hair including titration, spectrophotometry, fluorescence method, reversed phase liquid chromatography (HPLC), inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) and inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), etc. These methods have their respective advantages and disadvantages at different levels. In this paper, solution of boric acid in samples can be enriched and extracted by diethyl adipate glycol – chloroform. Removing theinfluence of coexistence salts, this paper use the principle that concentrated sulfuric acid mixed with turmeric generated protonation of turmeric, turmeric and boric acid react to generate red product, and then use the spectrophotometric method to determine the content of borax in the frozen flour products, this method is more simple and faster, relatively can meet the demand of the rapid detection of borax in food. 

    Key words: Borax, banned additive, detection, spectrophotometry


    1 引言 1

    2 材料方法 3

    2.1 原理方法 3

    2.2 主要仪器 3

    2.3 试剂 3

    2.4 实验材料 4

    2.5 硼砂检测实验操作方法 4

    2.5.1 样品预处理 4

    2.5.2 样品消解 4

    2.5.3 测定

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