    Study on the Degradation of Phytate in Mung Bean Sprouts by Calcium Ion
    Abstract: Mung bean and its sprouts are widely consumed in China and rich in various nutrients. However, mung bean also contains antinutritional factors. Typically, phytic acid is deposited as phytate-mineral and phytate-mineral-protein complexes during seed development, resulting in insoluble complexes and poor bioavailability of micronutrients such as proteins, minerals, carbohydrates. Studies have shown that germination significantly reduced the phytic acid content in grains. During germination, supplementation of Ca2+ has been proved to effectively enhance phytate degradation. However, little was known about the mechanisms of the regulation of Ca2+ in increasing phytate degradation. In this study, lanthanum trichloride, verapamil, ruthenium red and CaCl2 were supplied to mung bean during germination to alter intracellular free Ca2+ levels and Ca2+ transmembrane transport. Results showed that calcium channels played an essential role in mediating phytate degradation in mung bean sprouts and both extracellular and intracellular Ca2+-regulation were involved in phytate degradation.
    Key words: Mung bean sprouts; phytate degradation; calcium ion; calcium channel blockers
    目  录

    摘要    1
    关键词    1
    Abstract    1
    Key words    1
    引言    1
    1 材料与方法    2
    1. 1  实验材料    2
    1. 2  主要试剂与仪器    2
    1. 3  实验方法    3
    1. 4  指标测定    3
    1. 4. 1 绿豆芽长    3
    1. 4. 2 绿豆株重    3
    1. 4. 3 绿豆茎粗    3
    1. 4. 4 植酸含量、无机磷、总磷含量    3
    1. 4. 5 植酸酶活性、酸性磷酸酶活性    3
    1. 4. 6 可溶性钙、总钙    4
    1. 4. 7 钙的亚细胞分布    4
    1. 5 数据统计与分析    4
    2 结果与分析    4
    2. 1 钙通道抑制剂对绿豆芽苗芽长、株重、茎粗的影响    4
    2. 1. 1 钙通道抑制剂对绿豆芽苗芽长的影响    4
    2. 1. 2 钙通道抑制剂对绿豆芽苗株重的影响    4
    2. 1. 3 钙通道抑制剂对绿豆芽苗茎粗的影响    5
    2. 2 钙通道抑制剂对植酸、无机磷、总磷含量的影响    5
    2. 2. 1 钙通道抑制剂对植酸含量的影响    6
    2. 2. 2 钙通道抑制剂对无机磷含量的影响    6
    2. 2. 3 钙通道抑制剂对总磷含量的影响    7
    2. 3 钙通道抑制剂对植酸降解代谢相关酶活性的影响    7
    2. 3. 1 钙通道抑制剂对植酸酶活性的影响    7
    2. 3. 2 钙通道抑制剂对酸性磷酸酶活性的影响    8
    2. 4 钙通道抑制剂对可溶性钙、总钙和钙的亚细胞分布的影响    8
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