    Design of V=2m3 Magnetic Drive Reactor
    Abstract : Magnetic Drive Reactors are one kind of important vessels in chemical production. The reaction mechanism in it is complicated. Because of multiple controlled objects and big time-variant,non-linear,time-delay,classical control theory and optimal control of modern control theory are not fit for the control of reactors. The analysis of the reactors heat transfer characteristics, and the transfer function of cooling mixtures flux to the temperature in reactors are concluded in the paper. Intelligent control system of two-part control according to error range is designed also. Adaptive fuzzy-control based on modified rule and incomplete differential PID-control are adapted in the system. The analysis process and control algorithm are described in detail. On the basis of this,intelligent controller based on series of MCS-51 single-chip computer is designed,and popular serial bus------I~2C bus and 1-wire bus are used in this paper, which constitute the system of multiple points temperature measurement. Port circuits of single-chip computer and software program are designed in the paper,too. By controlling the executive device and condition parameters of the reactor, the control of temperature and its grade realized. The equipment is about the design of demulsified polymerize,which is used in medical,the structure of polymerize is jacket style,the media of boiler is ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, the designed pressure is 4.0MPa,the media of the jacket is water, the designed pressure is 0.8MPa; the main material is Q345R. The water of jacket cools the material of boiler. Designed methods is common, and according to GB150-2011《steel pressure vessels》,the major designed content included the choice of designed method,the design of cauldron body’s (including boiler inner and jacket) strength and structural,design of Mixing device、Heat transfer device、Actuator and other parts.
    KeyWords:magnetic drive reactor; mixing equipment; heat transfer devices 
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  反应釜简介    1
    1.2  磁力驱动反应釜特点介绍    3
    2  反应釜结构设计    5
    2.1  反应釜类型的选择    5
    2.2  反应釜的结构选型    5
    2.2.1  釜体的选型及尺寸确定    5
    2.2.2  釜体材料及结构型式的选择    6
    2.2.3  封头材料及结构型式的选择    7
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