    摘要:自行车U形车架立管上的鞍管安装孔,由于加工前后壁厚变化率较大,因此工件容易在加工过程中发生变形并影响成品的精度。需要为自行车U形车架立管加工添置一台扩孔机,以改善加工性能和提高生产效率。采用液压传动系统来完成滑台的进给,使得刀具与工件产生相对运动。工件的夹紧和滑台的运动均采用液压传动系统来完成,设计合理的液压系统也是本课题的重点之一。运用SlolidWorks软件进行夹具的结构设计,使机床的夹具必须能提供合适的夹紧力,从而使加工后的工件符合工艺要求。最后,完善扩孔机基本设计,并作出工程图纸,完成毕业设计要求,达到设计扩孔机最终的目的。关键词:  扩孔机;液压传动系统;夹具6859
    The Fixture and Hydraulic System design of the Reamer Machine for the Standpipe in the U-shaped Frame of the Bicycle
    Abstract: As for the saddle-fit hole in the standpipe in the U-shaped frame of the bicycle, there is more variance rate of its thickness after machine-cutting. Then the saddle-fit hole is easily deformed in cutting process and its precision is descended. We can use the hydraulic drive system to complete the slide feed, letting the tool and the workpiece in relative motion. Workpiece clamping and sliding movement should use the hydraulic drive system to complete the rational design. The design of the hydraulic system is one of the keys of the task. Using the structure of software SolidWorks to design fixture, so that the jig machine must be able to provide a suitable clamping force, so that after processing in line with the technological requirements of the workpiece. In the end,completing the basic design and making engineering drawings to consummate the graduation design requirements, so we can achieve the ultimate goal of the designing reamer machine.
    KeyWords:reamer machine; hydraulic drive system; fixture
    目  录
    1绪论    1
    1.1 背景介绍    1
    1.2 各种功能扩孔机介绍    1
    1.3 组合机床的介绍    2
    1.4 液压技术的发展    3
    2课题的总体设计方案    5
    2.1 总体方案    5
    2.2扩孔动力头驱动形式选择    6
    2.3 夹具动力选择    7
    2.4 液压夹具    7
    2.5 液压集成方式选用    8
    3夹具的结构设计    10
    3.1 机床夹具及其组成    10
    3.2 夹具的功能    10
    3.3 机床夹具的分类    11
    3.4 机床夹具设计基本要求    11
    3.5 夹具设计考虑的问题    12
    3.6 夹具的基本组成    13
    3.7 夹具的三文设计    16
    4液压设计    18
    4.1负载分析负载计算    18
    4.1.1 负载图    18
    4.1.2 速度分析  速度图    19
    4.2 初步确定液压缸的结构尺寸    20
    4.2.1 初步确定液压缸的工作压力    20
    4.2.2 计算确定液压缸的主要结构尺寸    20
    4.3 液压缸的工况分析与工况图    20
    4.4 拟定液压系统原理图    22
    4.4.1 调速回路的选择    22
    4.4.2 快速运动与换向回路    23
    4.4.3速度换接回路    23
    4.4.4 总液压系统原理图    24
    4.4.5 电磁铁动作情况    24
    4.5 计算和选择液压元件    25
    4.5.1 确定液压泵的规格与电动机规律    25
    4.5.2 液压阀的选择    25
    4.6 活塞杆稳定性计算    27
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