    Title   The modeling and simulation of position control synthesis of an electro-hydraulic servo system                                          
    Servo-proportional valves is one of the technology-new members which is developed over the past ten years. it was a "draw" type of fusion of electro-hydraulic proportional technology and electro-hydraulic servo valve .Servo-proportional valves (closed-loop proportional valve) have an amplifier inside, has the characteristics of servo valve: zero cover, high precision, high response, but the requirements of its oil cleanliness is lower than the servo valve, with a higher degree of reliability.
    Most of electro-hydraulic servo control system with well control performance, have a certain degree of robustness and a wide range of applications.Dynamic characteristic of a electro-hydraulic servo system is a measure of debug level for a design of electro-hydraulic servo system. Electro-hydraulic servo system by signal processing device and a number of hydraulic components, there are interactions between components of dynamic performance, restraint and the system itself contains non-linear, dynamic performance of its complex, therefore, simulation of electro-hydraulic servo control system of received more and more attention.
    Because of the continuous development of Electro-hydraulic technology and the continues improvement of requirement on the electro-hydraulic system performance, to understand the dynamics in the process of electro-hydraulic servo system performance and to know various parametric variation over time, has become a primary task for
    researchers and for design of electro-hydraulic servo system. In the Working process of a system, major parts of the dynamic response of hydraulic components, the system pressure changes, such as displacement and velocity of the actuator, is that people are very concerned about.
    Keywords  Proportional valve  Electro-hydraulic servo control system  simulation based on Matlab/Simulink
    1    引言    1
    1.1  电液伺服系统的发展与研究现状    1
    1.2  电液伺服阀    1
    1.3  液压动力机构    2
    1.4  电液位置控制系统    2
    1.5  PID控制    3
    1.6  智能控制    4
    1.7  SIMULINK建模与仿真    4
    2  零开口四通阀的分析    5
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