    Hinge plate molding system overall design
    Abstract: To adapt to different machining center different size hinge plates must be manufactured,  designing a combined progressive die and a mechanical and pneumatic control system is necessary,by which a set of mould can be used to control the same specifications but different length of hinge plates. The hinge plate forming system comprise feeding rack, straightening mechanism, guide mechanism, pneumatic conveying mechanism of manipulator type, progressive die and a electric controller, etc. This article focus on the manipulator of pneumatic conveying mechanism and design of the control program.TheLoosening and clamping of the two manipulator basic action cooperat with mutual  action   to finish feeding,themanipulator drivened by cylinder ,cylinder is controlled by solenoid valves,the Adjustable punch on the mold drivened by cylinder,cylinder controlled by program,tthe length of hinge plate decided by the adjustable punch.System under PLC control to ensureautomation production process automation. The manipulator and cylinder through the theory analysis and checking meet the strength requirement. measures to guarantee the production quality includ the  mechanism of dovetail slipper, spring damper, control procedures, etc.
    Key words: hinge plates;manipulator; forming system
    目  录
    1  绪论 …1
      1.1  引言 2
      1.2 铰链板在加工中心的应用现状 …2
      1.3 铰链板加工原始条件和数据 …3
    2  铰链板成型系统总体机构与成型过程 …4
    2.1  机械系统组成 …4
    2.2  基本机械结构作用 4
    2.3  成型系统的工作原理 …5
    2.4  成型系统的控制流程图 …6
    3  气动送料机构的设计与计算 …8
    3.1  送料结构基本组成 8
    3.2  机械手工作原理 8
    3.3  气动式机械手简介 13
    3.3.1  气动技术 …13
    3.3.2  气动机械手 …13
    3.4  机械手的设计与计算 14
    3.4.1  机械手的工作原理和机构设计 …14
    3.4.2  机械手夹紧力计算 14
    3.4.3  销钉的强度校核 18
    3.4.4  机械手的强度校核 20
    4  气动回路设计 …23
    4.1  气动回路基本结构与工作原理 23
    4.1.1  机基本结构 23
    4.1.2  工作原理24
    4.2  气动推力计算 …24
    4.2.1  机械手机构的气缸推力计算 24
    4.2.2  滑块机构气缸推力计算 24
    4.2.3  气缸的选择 26
    5  铰链板成型的质量分析 …28
    5.1  影响铰链板成形质量的几个因素 …28
    5.2  确保铰链板成形质量基本方法与措施 …29
    5.2.1  减少机械手撞击振动 …29
    5.2.2  增加导向的准确性 …30
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