
    摘  要能源化利用生物质原料秸秆,可大幅度的减少不可再生能源的开采,需要1吨标准煤才可以提供的热值可被2吨秸秆机制煤所代替,这大大的减少了地球不可再生能源的消耗,有效的保护地球上的生态环境。使秸秆资源能源化被利用的技术有许多,大致说来主要包括:炭化和活化、秸秆的干馏技术和燃烧发电、热解气化技术、压缩固化成型燃料技术等等。此外,我国第十二个五年计划也明确提出要推动我国秸秆能源化利用发展,提高可再生能源在我国能源消费结构中的比重。69266


    关键字:秸秆成型  螺旋挤压  受力校核  二维装配 


    Straw biomass energy as an important, 2 tons of straw stalk energy-oriented use 1 tons of standard coal calorific value alternative, promotion of straw energy-oriented use, can effectively reduce energy consumption at a time. Straw energy utilization technology mainly include straw biogas (biological gasification), curing fuel of straw, straw pyrolysis gasification, direct combustion power generation and the way of straw carbonization, carbonization and activation, etc. "Twelfth five-year" period, to develop the straw biogas and straw curing fuel, to increase the proportion of renewable energy in energy structure.

    This topic mainly will be carbonization straw powder extrusion molding, through comparing all kinds of straw molding machine, and compares their advantages and disadvantages, and then determine the way the screw extrusion molding, determine the scheme design and calculation for each part to after, including the selection and calculation of the motor, spiral transmission part of the design and calculation, design and calculation of screw axis and the secondary gear reducer design calculation and the design of the transmission shaft, bearing selection, through the Proe 3 d software of straw charcoal modeling and dynamic simulation of compression molding machine, using two-dimensional CAD software for overall structure drawing, completed the 2 d part assembly drawing and part drawing.

    Key Words: Straw briquette. Screw extrusion; The stress checking; Two-dimensional assembly

    目 录

    摘  要 I


    图清单 V

    表清单 V

    变量注释表 VI

    1 绪论 7

    1.1 本课题的研究现状 7

    1.2 国内外发展现状 10

    1.2.1 国外的发展 10

    1.2.2国内的发展现状 11

    1.3本课题研究的内容 14

    2 秸秆木炭成型机的整体方案设计 15

    2.1螺旋挤压式成型机 15

    2.2活塞挤压式成型机 15

    2.3 压辊式成型机 16


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