    关键字: PE管; 全自动; 热熔焊接机;液压系统;便携式3881
    The design of hydraulic system of PE pipe hot melt automatic welding machine
    Abstract :Today China is rapid popularize and applicants Polyethylene (PE) pipe system, and gradually replaces the traditional metal pipelines. Connection technology is the key technology in the pipeline system PE. Have a great influence on the quality of PE pipeline connected to the overall performance of the. Hot-melt welder on PE pipe welding an outdoor most commonly used connection device. Hot-melt welding machine, welding parameters, welding automation and requires very high. However, the current domestic engineering using hot melt welding machine automation is not high, for the semi - automation system, the need for human intervention in the welding process. The artificial factors in the whole process, so it is difficult to guarantee the quality of welding. Therefore, to realize the automation of hot melt welding is of great significance.
    According to several specifications hot-melt welding machine's work requirement, small hydraulic power unit design compatible. Among them, including the design of the hydraulic principle diagram, the choice of hydraulic components, the whole mechanical structure design etc. According to the welding fusion and welding machine: 10Mpa maximum working pressure, pump capacity 4ml\/r, the portable structure. Design content includes: hydraulic system for two synchronous hydraulic cylinders (parallel) without speed of advance and retreat, and hot plate uplift movement. Two cylinders do not act at the same time. Synchronous cylinder forward process requires a proportional control pressure, pressure control range of 0.4~ 10MPa and can guarantee the long time of pressure maintaining effect.
    Because the welding quality is very important, so in the design is completed, can be used for further discussion, in welding technology for example, welding method, welding technology parameter setting method, the welding quality detection.
    Keyword: Polyethylene (PE) pipe;full-automation;Hot melt welding machine;hydraulic pressure system;Portable
    1 前言    1
    1.1 课题介绍    1
    1.2 国内外现状    1
    1.3 现实意义    2
    1.4 对课题的认识    3
    1.5 课题主要研究工作    3
    2 液压系统的设计    4
    2.1 液压系统方案的确定    4
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