    摘要:二辊轧机一般来说是指两个轧辊水平布置的轧机,两个轧辊上下布置在同一垂直平面上,它的结构较简单、用途较为广泛。轧机是实现金属轧制过程的设备。泛指完成轧材生产全过程的装备,包括主要设备﹑辅助设备和附属设备等。但一般的轧机仅指主要设备。现代轧机发展的趋向是连续化﹑自动化﹑专业化,产品质量高,消耗低。60年代以来轧机在设计﹑研究和制造方面取得了很大的进展,使带材冷热轧机﹑厚板轧机﹑高速线材轧机﹑ H 型材轧机和连轧管机组等性能更加完善,并出现了轧制速度高达每秒钟 115 米的线材轧机﹑全连续式带材冷轧机﹑ 5500 毫米宽厚板轧机和连续式 H 型钢轧机等一系列先进设备。本论文介绍了轧辊的设计及校核,轧辊轴承的选择,机架的设计计算以及压下装置的设计及计算。本次设计的目标是二辊轧机的主机改造设计,完成轧钢机的主机设计和相应的传感器的安装联结设计,并对轧钢机的某些功能以及结构方面进行改进和创新,使其能够稳定、高效、精确地生产合格的产品。37174
    Two roller mill mainframe reform design
    Abstract:Two roller mill usually refers to the level of rolling mill roll decorate, two roll up and down in the same vertical plane within decorate, its simple structure, used widely. Rolling mill is the equipment for metal rolling.. Refers to the finished steel rolling process equipment, including the main equipment, auxiliary equipment, transport equipment and ancillary equipment. But the general mill refers only to the main equipment. The trend of modern mill development is continuous, automatic, professional, high quality, low consumption. Since the sixties of the mill in design, research and manufacture made great progress, so that the strip cold rolling mill and plate mill, high speed wire rod mill, H section steel rolling and rolling tube unit performance more perfect, and the emergence of the rolling speed of up to 115 meters per second of wire rod mill, continuous cold strip mill, 5500 mm wide and heavy plate mill and continuous type H type steel mill a series of advanced equipment.This paper introduces the design and verification of the roller, the choice of roller bearing, the design and calculation of the frame, and the design and calculation of the press. This topic was two roller mill mainframe reform design , complete the mainframe design and corresponding rolling mill and control the sensor of the installation, and the function and structure of rolling mill in improvement and innovation, make its highly efficient, stable and accurate to produce quality products.
    Keywords:Two roller, mainframe reform
    目  录
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 轧钢机的国内外发展状况    1
    1.2 冷轧机的背景    1
    1.3 设计的目的与意义    2
    1.4 轧机主机改造原始数据及技术要求    3
    2轧辊的结构设计    3
    2.1 轧辊的类型与结构    3
    2.1.1 辊身    4
    2.1.2 辊颈    4
    2.1.3 轴头    4
    2.2 轧辊材料的选择    4
    2.3 轧辊的尺寸参数    5
    2.3.1 轧辊辊身直径和辊身长度的设计与计算    5
    2.3.2 轧辊的重车率    5
    2.3.3 轧辊辊颈直径和长度的设计与计算    6
    2.4 轧辊传动端的设计    7
    2.5 轧辊的强度校核    7
    2.5.1 轧辊的破坏原因分析    7
    2.5.2 轧辊受力状态力学模型的建立    8
    3轧辊轴承设计    10
    3.1 轧辊轴承的工作特点和使用场合    10
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