
    摘要:反击式破碎机,它是主要把自身转子运行起来的冲击能用来去破碎一些比如矿石等这些物料的机械,这种机械被广泛地运用在石灰石水泥还有煤这类的矿石里进行破碎的作业,所以这次毕业设计对它进行研究,有着很好地借鉴和参考的意义,也正因为它自身具有广泛地前景和研究意义,对我来说也是挑战和机会。这次毕业设计,主要负责对PF1415破碎机的主机及结构设计,包括一些比如总体的结构布置,电机的选择,反击板的设计,调整机构的设计,主轴的计算等等。本次设计,我将从各个零部件选取上,充分考虑材料的选择,尺寸确认,抗弯曲能力,加工等等这些要求,尽可能地考虑到位。然后再进行对一些重要部件总图进行设计分析绘图,充分考虑加工还有公差配合,再把经济性和可靠性考虑进行,以完成PF1415型破碎机主机设计工作。 57353

    毕业论文关键词:反击式破碎机   主机   电机   反击板

    PF-1415 impact crusher Host Design 

    Abstract:Counterattack crusher, which is mainly the impact of the rotor operation can be used to broken, such as ores, etc. these materials machinery, this machine is widely using broken work in this kind of ore limestone cement and coal, so the graduation design and the research of it, has a very good reference and significance, but also because of its widely foreground and research significance, for me is a challenge and an opportunity. This graduation project, is mainly responsible for the broken PF1415 host and the structural design of the machine, including such as overall arrangement, choice of motor, back plate design, adjusting mechanism design, the spindle calculation and so on. This design, I will choose from the various parts, fully consider the choice of materials, size confirmation, anti bending capacity, processing and so on these requirements, as far as possible to consider in place. Then and are of some important parts of general layout design drawing analysis, considering processing and tolerance and fit, then the economy and reliability considering, to complete the PF1415 crushing machine work.

    Key Words: Counterattack type crusher, host, motor ,counter plate

    目  录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1破碎机的简介 1

    1.2 破碎机的分类 1

    1.3 破碎机的优缺点 4

    1.3.1 破碎机的优点 4

    1.3.2 破碎机的缺点 4

    1.3.3 破碎机的特点: 4

    1.4 破碎机的研究目的及意义 5

    1.5 破碎机的工作原理 5

    1.7 破碎过程的实质 7

    1.6 破碎机的常用型号 7

    1.7破碎机的发展 8

    1.7.1 国外发展情况 8

    1.7.2 国内发展情况 8

           1.7.3 趋势分析                                                    9

    2 破碎机的主体构造 10

    2.1 工作原理 10

    2.2 结构设计 10

    2.2.1  机壳

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