    摘要: 本文介绍了发动机的主要设计指标,进行了发动机的选型,并讲解了四冲程汽油发动机的基本工作原理。针对2.0L四缸直列式发动机做了设计计算,确定气缸直径为90mm,分析曲轴连杆机构的受力情况,计算出活塞的位移和速度。在活塞组的设计中选取了活塞的材料,设计了活塞销且选择全浮式销座并做了强度和刚度校核。连杆组设计中选择了连杆的结构形式以及材料,确定了连杆的长度,完成连杆小头以及大头的结构设计。在曲轴设计时分析曲轴的工作条件,选择全支撑整体式曲轴为设计方案,选择曲轴材料为球墨铸铁。计算曲轴主要尺寸,设计了曲柄和平衡重块。探讨了基于UGNX的三文运动仿真操作过程,对绘制的模型进行仿真,校验活塞的速度小于14m/s,符合设计要求。37176
    Four-cylinder engines crankshaft、connecting rod and piston assembly three dimensional design
    Abstract: This paper introduces the major design index of motor, carried out the engine selection, and explains the basic principle of four-stroke gasoline engines. Targeted on 2.0L four-cylinder inline engine and made design calculation, determined the diameter of the cylinder is 80mm, analysis of force on the crank case, calculated the piston displacement and velocity. Select the piston materials in piston design and select full floating piston pin and do strength and rigidity check. Select the structure and materials in connecting rod linkage design, determine the length of the connecting rod, complete structural design of small end and big end of the connecting rod. Analysis the working conditions when doing the crankshaft design, decided fully supported monolithic crankshafts for select designs, Select nodular cast iron for crankshaft material. Calculated crankshaft main dimensions, designed crank and balance weights. Discusses three dimensional dynamic simulation operational processes based on UGNX software, emulated a drawing model, check the piston speed is small than 14m/s, which is comply with the design requirements.
    KeyWords: crankshaft;connecting rod;piston;three dimensional dynamic simulation
    1 绪论    4
    1.1课题研究的意义    4
    1.2 汽车工业发展与现状    4
    1.3我国与国外曲轴加工技术的差距    5
    1.4 我国在汽车用曲轴工业方面的进展情况    5
    2 发动机总体构造    6
    2.1 发动机的主要设计指标    6
    2.1.1 动力性指标    6
    2.1.2 经济性指标    7
    2.1.3 可靠性、耐久性指标    7
    2.1.4 质量、外形尺寸指标    8
    2.1.5 低公害指标    8
    2.1.6 制造、使用、文护指标    8
    2.2 发动机的总体构造介绍    9
    2.2.1 曲柄连杆机构的功用、组成和工作原理    9
    2.2.2发动机其他组成部分    10
    2.3 发动机的选型    11
    2.3.1 柴油机、汽油机或气体燃料发动机    12
    2.3.2 冲程数    12
    2.3.3 水冷、风冷    13
    2.3.4 气缸的布置    13
    2.4发动机的作用和基本术语    14
    2.5 四冲程汽油机基本工作原理    16
    3 汽油机结构参数的选取    18
    3.1 气缸直径的确定    18
    4 曲轴连杆机构的受力分析    20
    4.1曲轴连杆机构运动学    20
    4.1.1 活塞的位移    20
    4.1.2 活塞的速度以及活塞的加速度    21
    4.2 曲轴连杆机构中的作用力分析    21
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