
    摘要本文主要研究散货船的风帆设计以及加装风帆后船舶的稳性。在对提供的13000DWT散货船的船型资料进行详细分析的基础上进行风帆设计,选取改进翼型为风帆翼型,参考相关文献资料确定风帆的相关系数。计算风帆尺寸和剖面形状,并查阅相关文献资料选取风帆所用的材料,计算风帆的重量重心,确定风帆在该船上的安装位置。根据风帆的面积尺寸以及布置位置在原有13000DWT散货船总布置图的基础上绘制13000DWT风帆助推散货船的总布置图。根据计算所得风帆有关数据对加装风帆后船舶的浮态进行计算校核。利用Maxsurf 软件进行船体建模,计算风帆助推散货船在各载况下的完整稳性。根据动稳性曲线计算所得的稳性衡准数K可知:虽然13000DWT散货船船加装风帆后船舶重心提高、受风面积大幅增加,但该船的稳性仍满足相关法规的要求。58908


    Abstract In his paper, we mainly research the design of the sail and the stability of the sail-assisted bulk carrier.We design the sail based on the detailed analysis of the exist information of the 13000DWT bulk carrier , and choose the improved airfoil as the sail airfoil.We define the sail coefficient refer to the relevant literature and data.Then we calculate the sail’s dimension and the section shape of the ,determine what materials to use refer to some documents.We must calculate the weight and the center of gravity of the sail. We make sure the position for the sail to install.We draw the total layout of the 13000DWT sail-assisted bulk carrier based on the layout of the 13000DWT bulk carrier which is given initially according to the data and the install position of the sail. Then, according to the calculation of the data of the sail, the floating state of the ship after the installation of the sail is checked. Maxsurf software is used to carry on the modeling of ship hull, and the complete stability of each load of the sail-assisted bulk carrier is calculated.We check the stability of the sail-assisted bulk carrier by calculating the stability criterion number of K . The results show that although the center of gravity of the ship after the installation of sailing with a substantial increase,but the stability is conform of the requirements of the specification.

    Keywords:sail-assisted; sail design;stability

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 选题背景 1

    1.1.1 选题意义 1

    1.1.2 风帆助推船的前景 2

    1.2 风帆助推船的发展 2

    1.2.1 风帆助推船国外研究现状 2

    1.2.2 风帆助推船国内研究现状 3

    1.3 风帆助推船存在的问题 3

    1.4本文的主要内容 4

    第二章 风帆设计 5

    2.1 船型资料 5

    2.2 确定风帆尺寸 6

    2.2.1 所需风帆面积的计算 6

    2.2.2 帆面及桅杆尺寸和材料的确定 7

    2.2.3 风帆剖面形状计算 8

    2.3计算风帆的重量和重心 9

    2.4绘制总布置图 10

    第三章 浮态计算 12

    3.1 浮态计算 12

    3.2 干舷校核 15

    3.3 新静水力参数计算

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