    摘 要:化工产品胶筒运输后的回收再利用是化工产品生产中的一个环节。目前的胶筒回收采用人工破拆,生产效率低,工人劳动强度大,且有一定的毒害作用。本课题旨在开发一台自动化机械,可以实现胶筒的高效破拆。本设计首先通过对胶桶的桶盖切割的工作原理进行分析,然后对各部分的机构进行选择确定了本设计的总体方案,本设计的切割桶盖机包括夹紧、转动以及切割部分,夹紧部分是利用两侧的气缸利用连杆进行夹紧;胶桶的转动是利用步进电机进行带动滚筒,滚筒表面与胶桶表面进行摩擦带动胶桶转动,转速较低,因此胶桶不会松动;切割部分包括进给和切割,进给是利用滚珠丝杆结构带动切割部分,切割部分是利用电机带动圆盘锯齿刀旋转,实现桶盖的切割,通过对各部分的设计计算,完成了整个桶盖切除机的设计。34043
    Semi-automatic capping machine canisters to develop
    Abstract:Chemical products recovered plastic tube transport chemical products recycling is a link. The current recovery of artificial plastic tube rescue, low productivity, high labor intensity, and there is some toxic effects. This paper aims to develop an automated machine, you can implement efficient rescue rubber tube.The design is first through the plastic bucket lid cutting works will be analyzed and the various parts of the body choose determines the overall scheme of the design, the design of the cutting machine comprises a clamping lid, rotating and cutting parts, clip tight cylinder part is the use of the use of both sides of the clamping rod; rotating plastic bucket is to use stepper motor driven roller, the roller surface with plastic buckets plastic buckets surface friction drive rotation speed is low, and therefore will not plastic buckets loose; cutting portion includes a feed and cutting feed is the use of ball screw mechanism driven by cutting portions, cutting part is the use of motor driven rotary disc serrated knife, cut the lid to achieve, through the various parts of the design calculations, complete design of the entire lid removal machine.
    Keywords: Efficient rescue; lid removed; clamping cylinder; ball screw
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题的提出    1
    1.2  课题的意义    1
    1.2.1  国内外废包装桶再生利用技术现状    2
    1.2.2  国内废旧化工包装桶再生利用的现状    2
    1.3  本课题的任务    3
    2  方案的确定    4
    2.1  化工包装桶的去盖方式论证    4
    2.2  胶桶的夹持原理论证    4
    2.3  切割刀具选用论证    6
    2.4  机构组成与工作原理    7
    2.5  方案的设计    10
    3  各机构部分的设计计算    11
    3.1  滚筒部分的计算    11
    3.2  固定桶气缸的设计    14
    3.3  切割部件的计算    18
    3.3.1  切割电机的选型    18
    3.3.2  工作载荷的计算    19
    3.3.3  距离额定寿命的计算    19
    3.3.4  小时额定寿命的计算    21
    3.3.5  产品选型    21
    3.3.6  导轨型号的选取    21
    3.4  滚珠丝杆的设计    21
    3.4.1  滚珠丝杆的选取    21
    3.4.2  最大转速限制    22
    3.4.3  选择丝杠直径    23
    3.4.4  滚珠丝杆副效率计算    23
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