    Abstract:abstract Boiler is a kind of coal, oil, combustible gas and biomass (wood, bagasse, platycodon grandiflorum, municipal waste, etc.) are stored chemical energy and waste heat in industrial production or other heat source, converted to a certain temperature and pressure of water or steam heat exchange equipment.The main task of the boiler is the chemical energy of fuel is the most effective is converted into heat energy.Industrial boiler under the condition of meet the requirements of environmental protection, should be able to achieve rated efficiency, safe and reliable work, high thermal efficiency, less consumption of steel, and manufacture, convenient installation and maintenance.To achieve the above purpose, in the design of the boiler, must choose the appropriate type furnace and the combustion mode, the determination of steam chamber of a stove or furnace and boiler heating surface shape, size and relative position, guarantee the boiler flue gas and working medium has reasonable flow rate and pressure of parts.The topic of this design for SHL15-1.25/350 - W boiler thermal design, belong to the low pressure of small industrial steam boiler, the boiler direction perpendicular to the boiler drum and flue gas velocity is called "horizontal", subject to the conditions of application conditions, need to stop the furnace and furnace, load changes, which requires the boiler furnace can adapt to all kinds of load.The basic content of this topic mainly has three parts: the first part of main boiler furnace design and the structure of the main heating surface;The second part is calculated under the rated load of boiler thermodynamic calculation;The third part mainly draw boiler heating surface structure and general layout, body figure, header figure, etc.
    KeyWords:Heating surface structure;Heat transfer equipment;Thermodynamic calculation
    目  录
    1  工业锅炉的构成工作工程及技术经济指标1
      1.1  工业锅炉的构成1
     1.1.1  锅炉本体1
    1.1.2  锅炉辅助设备1
      1.2  工业锅炉的构成 1
        1.2.1  炉内过程2
    1.2.2  锅内过程2
      1.3  工业锅炉的技术经济指标2
    2  工业锅炉热工计算3
      2.1  工业锅炉规范3
        2.1.1  设计参数3
        2.1.2  燃料特性3
        2.1.3  辅助计算4
     2.2  工业锅炉热平衡计算及燃料消耗量计算7
    2.3  工业锅炉炉膛特性及热力计算13
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