

    毕业论文关键词  低压注塑  胶缸  Solidworks  ANSYS  数值模拟  温度场  结构优化


    Title  Optimal Design of a Rubber Cylinder in Low Pressure Injection  Molding                                                   


    Low pressure molding is a kind of new technology based on the traditional injection molding,which is mainly applied in automotive electronics、medical electronics、consumer electronics、aerospace electronics、IT industry.It has many advantages such as insulation、heat resistance、shock resistance、moistureproof、waterproof、dustproof and chemical resistance,etc.This paper mainly studies the optimal design of a rubber cylinder in low pressure injection molding.First,the general design of a rubber cylinder is determined,including design index、size、material、the quantities and size of the heat conduction grid;according to CAD and Solidworks,the part drawing and the 3D model are obtained.Then,according to ANSYS,the 3D finite element modeling of a rubber cylinder heating temperature field is established, the temperature field of melt adhesive and the melt volume at different time are obtained.Finally,according to the analysis of the simulation data and experiments result,the optimal data of the rubber cylinder is obtained.This optimal design turns out to be feasible,and the stable supply of melt adhesive,the determination of manufacturing time,the cost reduction are realised.      

    Keywords  Low pressure molding  Rubber cylinder  Solidworks   ANSYS  Numerical simulation  Temperature field  Optimal design   

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  本课题目的及意义 1

    1.2  国内外发展概况 3

    1.3  本课题主要研究内容 3

    2  胶缸总体设计方案 5

    2.1  设计指标 6

    2.2  材料选择 7

    2.3  胶缸组成 7

    2.4  实体建模 12

    3  胶缸仿真计算 14

    3.1  ANSYS简介 14

    3.2  胶缸温度场分析 14

    3.3  ANSYS有限元模型建立 16

    3.4  仿真温度变化规律 20

    3.5  实测温度变化 25

    3.6  寿命计算

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