
    forward and turn the brake pads prompting brake pads are no longer movement and then stop the spindle rotation. This lock in a hydraulic system and mechanical lock after can be in hydraulic system and will not lead to failure of winch is out of control.
    In the study of field work environment and vehicle fault, we understand the winch significance in the field of automobile automatic relief. Winch has a very wide range of USES, now can be seen everywhere on the construction site, commuting often ride elevators, cranes, port used to drag and drop ship with the winch etc involves winch principle, since the winch is used to drag and drop ship at the dock, like design invention they brought it to all fields, with the increasing popularization of winch, winch development is particularly rapid, from the beginning of a single electric winch, to the present hydraulic winch, regarding the winch, wheel winch, etc., winch in the development of garment and winch technology has become quite mature. Although now install the winch vehicles also accounts for less than half, but the winch is all vehicles can be installed and can be used to save themselves in the wild. Especially in the working environment in the world's worst job in the field in each model suvs, almost all equipped with electric winch. In world class on cross-country competition is noble regulations, all vehicles must be equipped with motor winch. It is clear that the importance of the winch for off-road vehicles. Considering China's huge and complicated geological features, mountain hills, swamps, deserts accounted for almost half of the land area, in the field of life production vehicles tend to fall into a dilemma, at this time is very important to have a winch.
    Key words:winch;reducer;expansion cylinder
    目    录
    越野车用绞盘液压控制系统设计    I
    Automotive self-help device    III
    第1章 绪  论    1
    1.1 汽车野外紧急状况自救装置简述    1
    1.2 汽车自救装置的使用    1
    1.3汽车自救装置的发展    2
    1.4 设计的主要内容    3
    第2章 汽车自救装置的方案选择    5
    2.1动力源的方案    5
    2.2 传动机构的方案    5
    2.3本章小结    6
    第三章 液压系统的设计及液压元件的选择    7
    3.1 液压控制系统设计    7
    3.2液压系统的基本组成    7
    3.3液压系统图拟定    7
    3.4液压元件的选择    10
    3.4.1 液压泵的工作压力    10
    3.4.2 液压泵的流量    10
    3.4.3 辅助元件的选择    11
    3.4.4确定管道尺寸    11
    3.4.5确定油箱容积    11
    3.5液压系统的性能检测    11
    3.5.1管路系统压力损失验算    11
    3.5.2判断液流类型    12
    3.5.3沿程压力损失    12
    3.6 本章小结    12
    第4章 减速器的设计    13
    4.1传动形式的选择    13
    4.2 传动比分配与齿轮计算    13
    4.3 校核齿轮    21
    4.3.1 弯曲强度校核    25
    4.3.2 齿面疲劳强度校核    26
    4.3.3 选择齿数齿型    27
    4.3.4 材料选择    27
    4.4轴承的选择    28
    4.5 润滑方式    30
    4.6 本章小结    30
    第5章 制动器的选择及卷筒的设计    31
    5.1制动器的选择    31
    5.1.1.制动器的概述    31
    5.1.2制动器方案的设计    31
  1. 上一篇:液压支架加载台移动梁计算机同步控制系统设计+CAD图纸
  2. 下一篇:液压支架试验台计算机测控系统设计+CAD图纸
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