
    摘要本毕业设计的内容是汽车差速器的设计,通过查阅资料,观察汽车差速器的实物图、结构图,掌握差速器的基本结构。  差速器是汽车传动的重要组成部分。汽车在行驶过程,由于轮胎的气压,道路的状况,轮胎磨损和汽车转弯,在很多情况下内侧轮胎的行驶速度要比外侧的慢。差速器不仅可以解决这些问题,而且对提高汽车的转向性和操纵稳定性有着重要的作用。当汽车转弯或在不平路面上行驶时,它使左右驱动车轮以不同的转速滚动,保证两侧驱动车轮作纯滚动。  52359



    Abstract: The content of this graduation project is the design of differential. To observe the differential’s matter chart and structure chart via consulting related data. I realize the differential’s basic structure and have some cognition for it.

    Differential is an important component of motor vehicle’s transmission. Due to difference in pressure of tires, road conditions, wear of tires and turning etc, inner wheels rotate slower than outer wheels in many situations. And differential can’t only deal with the problem above, but also play an important role in enhancing motor vehicle’s steering performance and operating stability when a car swerved at its running or it runs at the uneven road it makes the left and right drive wheels run by the different rev, by means it can ensure the two side’s wheels act as skilful roll.

    First, to understand the differential’s working principle and its effect and then do some motion analysis, after that according to the differential with the calculation theory of gears, to choose relevant parameters to start the differential’s calculation. Then in line with the figured parameters to build its model. 

    Keywords: differential; Planetary gear ;Three-dimensional modeling


    第一章 绪 论 1

    1.1 汽车差速器研究的背景及意义 1

    1.2 汽车差速器的研究现状 1

    第二章 汽车差速器设计 3

    2.1 引言 3

    2.2 差速器结构形式介绍 3

    2.2.1强制锁止式差速器 3

    2.2.2自锁式差速器 4

    2.2.3 普通齿轮式差速器 5

    2.3 差速器的结构形式选择 9

    2.4 差速器设计 10

    2.4.1 设计车型及参数选择 10

    2.4.2 差速器原理简图 12

    2.4.3 差速器齿轮的主要参数选择 13

    2.4.4 差速器齿轮的强度计算 18

    2.4.5 差速器齿轮的材料选择 19

    2.5 驱动半轴的设计 19

    2.5.1 结构形式分析 19

    2.5.2 半浮式半轴杆部半径的确定 21

    2.6 半轴的结构设计及材料和热处理 23

    第三章 差速器优化设计 25

    3.1 建立数学模型

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