



     Abstract The graduation project for the design of four-wheel drive off-road vehicle drive shaft assembly and motion simulation. By collecting, reading, analyzing the information of off-road vehicle drive shaft assembly, and comprehensive understanding of the structural characteristics of the vehicle drive shaft assembly, Also fully aware of the principles and significance of the work of cardan gear, and it’s important role in the car driving. In the normal work of the car, the cardan transmission shaft is an indispensable important component, and is also an indispensable key components.

    The research projects as follows: Step one, through the analysis of stress characteristics of the drive shaft assembly parts, and establish the kinematics and dynamics model. Step two, using MATLAB software to calculate and analyze the kinematics and dynamics, as the basis of designing. Step three, using the powerful 3D modeling software UG to build the drive shaft assembly of the 3D model, and to determine the model whether there is motion interference. Step four, to check the strength of the parts of the drive shaft assembly , and provide a basis for improving the design.

    Keywords: Drive shaft; Motion simulation; MATLAB     

     目 录

    第一章   绪论 1

    1.1 汽车万向传动轴的发展与现状 1

    1.2 汽车万向传动轴设计技术综述 1

    第二章 越野车传动轴结构方案的确定 3

    2.1 基本设计参数 3

    2.2 基本设计思路 3

    2.3 万向节结构方案的确定 3

    2.3.1 第一种方案:采用十字轴式刚性万向节 3

    2.3.2 第二种方案:采用双联式万向节 4

    2.3.3 分析确定万向节结构方案 4

    2.4 传动轴结构方案的确定 4

    第三章 传动轴运动学及动力学分析 6

    3.1 单十字轴万向节传动 6

    3.2 双十字轴万向节传动 8

    3.3 万向节叉的受力 9

    第四章 传动轴运动学与动力学的MATLAB计算 10

    4.1 MATLAB简介 10

    4.2 计算模型的确定 11

    4.3 MATLAB程序段 11

    4.3.1程序段 11

    4.3.2 程序编译

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