    对测控系统软件部分进行了开发,在对试验进行分析后我们首先建立数据库,给出软件构架,利用VB6.0开发人机界面,给出程序框图并编写代码 。   
    Design on the computer measurement and control system of Hydraulic support test stand
    【abstract】Hydraulic support is the key of the coal mine fully mechanized working face support equipment, research and development of new type hydraulic support test rig measurement and control system is very important to the improvement of the performance of the hydraulic support.
        On the analysis of the structure and function of the hydraulic support test rig and GB25974.1-2010 for coal mine hydraulic support for general technical conditions, on the basis of using industrial computer directly involved in the control. Analysis of the working process of the measurement and control system, according to the selection of hydraulic system for hardware design. The guiding thought of modular software design thought, analysis software requirement, to determine the composition of the software.
        After analyzing the electrical control part, we designed the control hydraulic pump motor and a power outage road, each part of the power supply circuit, pressure cylinder and automatic conversion control circuit system.
        On the basis of the total design scheme of hardware for hardware system development. First according to the requirements of safety, real-time and reliability, the hardware selection; Then on the solenoid valve control circuit design and implementation; Interference sources of the system are analyzed, and the corresponding anti-interference measures.
        Has carried on the development of measurement and control system software part, we first set up after the analysis of test database, software architecture is given, using VB6.0 by use the development the man-machine interface, program block diagram and coding.
    【Keywords】Hydraulic support test rig, industrial control, measurement and control system, electric control
    第一章 绪论    1
    1.1课题背景、目的和意义    1
    1.1.1课题的背景    1
    1.1.2课题的意义    1
    1.2支架试验台测控系统的发展概况。    1
    1.2.1液压支架简介    1
    1.2.2液压支架试验台测控系统    1
    1.3本课题主要研究的内容    3
    第二章 液压支架试验台计算机测控系统总体设计    5
    2.1概述    5
    2.2试验台结构及其参数    5
    2.2.1试验台主体结构    5
    2.2.2试验台参数    5
    2.3液压支架试验标准    6
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