

    随着现代科技的不断发展,交通以及机械工具的性能要求不断提高,我们决定完善一种张力释放装置,主要是解决现有技术所存在的电缆或缆绳张力释放装置不能有效的保护电缆或缆绳的技术问题,从而实现高效、方便、 安全、可靠的技术要求。此次设计的双绞盘联动张力释放装置是在原有的张力释放装置的基础上加以改进。使两个绞盘同时转动收起或释放电缆缆绳,从而保证两绞盘上电缆缆绳张力释放的效率增高,同时使其更好地保护电缆或缆绳,延长电缆缆绳的使用寿命。

    毕业论文关键词:双绞盘联动     张力释放      张力测量   

    Abstract the mechanism of Double winch tension release is used to release the cable or cable tension.It includs the Tension release wheel and the tonometry institutions,As well as their main driven shaft and cabinet。Tension release wheel and transitional round are all have multiple arc-shaped ring groove of the wheel, which can be horizontal or up and down parallel arrangement. Tension release wheel uses friction to release the tension of the cable or mooring rope, Transitional round transit the cable or mooring rope from a slot of Tension release wheel to another slot.After the tension completed the winding of the cable or mooring rope passing the Tension release device, The tension can be reduced to the desired tension.the cable or mooring rope released by tension can be placed in the cabin whithout rules,which is unlimited by length。The device effectively protects the cable or mooring rope to extend the life of the cable or mooring rope, and also increases the tension release device of the security, reliability and efficiency .

          With the continuous development of modern science and technology, the performance requirements of transportation, and machine tools is developed. We have decided to perfect a tension release device,which is major to solve the problem of the exist Cable or mooring rope strain-relief device can not effectively protect the cable or mooring rope technology and then achieve efficient, convenient, safe and reliable technical requirements. The design of the dual capstan linkage tension release device is to be improved in the original release of the tension device. It makes two winch while turning away or release cable cable, thus ensuring the same force of the two winch cable,which  protect the cable or mooring rope effectively to extend the life of the cable and mooring rope.

    Key Words:The mechanism of Double winch       Tension release   

                   Tension Measuring  

    目    录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1  课题来源 1

    1.2  国内外张力释放机构的研究现状 2

    1.3  本文设计内容

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