


    Abstract The suspension is a very important system in the car. Not only does it affect the comfort of the car ride, but also on other properties, such as passing ability, stability, and adhesion properties have important implications. Especially off-road vehicles, suspension requirements are very high, because the off-road vehicles driving environment is not like a normal car so smoothly, it is generally in the mountain roads, desert driving. Therefore, the performance requirements of the suspension is relatively high, of course, in contrast to the suspension of such models is relatively complex structure, the material performance requirements, the cost is certainly higher than the average model, so the design stiffness, strength and condition to the extent permitted enable the design of the product structure reasonable, the best performance, highest quality, lowest cost ( technical and economic indicators), market competitiveness, mainly on the leaf spring suspension structure to quality lightest, and established a mathematical model to determine the constraints, the Matlab optimization toolbox to optimize the leaf spring.

    Keywords: Suspension, Leaf spring, Matlab, Optimization


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1钢板弹簧概述 1

    1.2 钢板悬架发展现状 2

    1.3 论文研究的背景及意义 2

    1.4 存在的问题 2

    1.5 毕业论文研究内容 2

    第二章  汽车悬架的概述 4

    2.1悬架基本概念 4

    2.1.1悬架概念 4

    2.1.2悬架最主要的功能 4

    2.1.3悬架基本组成 5

    2.1.4悬架类型 5

    2.2悬架系统研究与设计的领域 5

    2.3悬架设计要求 6

    2.4悬架的主要特性 7

    2.4.1 悬架的垂直弹性特性 7

    2.5 本章小结 8

    第3章 悬架对汽车主要性能的影响 9

    3.1悬架对汽车平顺性的影响 9

    3.1.1悬架弹性特性对汽车行驶平顺性的影响 9

    3.1.2非簧载质量对汽车行驶平顺性的影响 12

    3.1.3改善平顺性的主要措施 12


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