    关键词  交通路锥自动输送机构  结构设计  刚强度校核  SolidWorks软件 Abaqus软件
    Title    The Design of Automatic Traffic Cone Conveying Mechanism                                            
    Abstract This article firstly describes the research background of the automatic traffic cone placing and retrieving device as well as the Development process、current situation 、development trend at home and abroad; then gives a related theory to the design of automatic traffic cone conveying mechanism. Then detailed introduces the softwares used in the design of the automatic traffic road cone conveying mechanism: SolidWorks,Then entered into the main design part, firstly introduces the structure design of the automatic traffic cone placing and retrieving device, and then focuses on the conveying process of the automatic traffic cone conveying mechanism and the structure design of either the traffic cone automatic vertical conveying mechanism or the automatic horizontal conveying mechanism, and then analysis the time as well as the power in the delivery process. Then carries a stiffness and strength check on the main bearing member in the structure. Finally completes the engineering drawings of the traffic cone automatic vertical conveying mechanism and horizontal conveying mechanism and attaches them as an annex at the end of the article.
    Keywords  Automatic traffic cone conveying mechanism  Structure design Rigidity and strength checking  SolidWorks  Abaqus
    目  次

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题研究历程、研究现状    1
    1.2 课题发展趋势    5
    1.3 论文的主要工作安排    6
    2  路锥自动输送机构理论基础    7
    2.1  机械设计基础    7
    2.2 材料力学    8
    2.3 Solidworks软件    9
    2.4 Abaqus软件    9
    3 路锥自动收放车的设计概述    12
    3.1 主要用途    12
    3.2 系统设计要求    12
    3.3 路锥自动收放车构成    12
    3.4 路锥自动收放车动力选择    13
    4 某路锥自动收放车总体方案设计及路锥自动输送机构总体方案设计    16
    4.1 某路锥自动收放车系统设计要求    16
    4.2 某路锥自动收放车系统整体设计    16
    4.3 路锥自动输送机构总体方案    18
    5  路锥自动输送机构各机构设计    20
    5.1 横向输送机构设计    20
    5.2 纵向输送机构设计    23
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