    Bullet lethality of Criminal Identification of the rule of law is maturing more and more important. The contents of this article for the detection shootings and trafficking, manufacturing, modification, smuggling and gun-related cases can provide an indispensable means to provide the indispensable basis for the sentencing of forensic science.
    This research is benefit VXI bus-based virtual instrument technology to the projectile speed measurement, in particular, to the bullets of mass destruction detection, the development of a register-based VXI bus-based bullet lethality test software.. According criminal science and technology identified the bullet lethal programs and standards, the software can be a  quantitative test results of the bullet of mass destruction.
    U.S. NI company LABWINDOW/CVI development environment for software design, application design with user-friendly interface, the use of powerful computing capabilities of the host computer for different projectile types of data processing and display, and finally the software show the value of kinetic energy and per-kinetic energy values provide the basis for the scientific appraisal of firearms, lethal criminal.
    The bus module-based software applications can be connected with a variety of sensate device, multi-gun test. Finally, the test software developed by the bullets of the experimental study, experimental data to verify the correctness of the functionality of the software, the feasibility of the work.
    Key words: VXI bus,  LABWINDOWS/CVI, virtual instrument, user interface,  callback function
    毕业论文设计说明书(论文)外文摘要      Ⅱ
    摘要     Ⅰ
    Abstract Ⅱ
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 课题背景及意义    1
    1.2 基于VXI总线寄存器基的弹丸测速模块    1
    1.3 虚拟仪器软件开发环境LABWINDOWS/CVI    2
    1.4枪弹杀伤力测试系统应用程序开发的整体方案    3
    2    枪弹杀伤力测试原理及区截装置    3
    2.1 杀伤力测试基本原理    3
    2.2 区截装置原理及分类    4
    2.3本章小结    7
    3 枪弹杀伤力测试系统应用程序设计    7
    3.1 用户界面开发和控件功能添加    7
    3.1.1 用户界面    7
    3.1.2 系统复位    10
    3.1.3 开始测量    11
    3.1.4 显示数据    12
    3.1.5 存储数据    17
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