    摘要:本设计为PFK-1212可逆反击式破碎机的设计,主要研究内容:转子的机   构设计;板锤的设计;反击板的设计。
    Reversible Crusher Design
    Abstract:The specification of the design is theReversiblecrusher design,
    And it mainly contents: the institutional design of the rotor; plate hammerstructural design; plate counterattack design.
    The design starts from the specifications of the rotor, and it references the relevant parameters of PFK-1212 crusher. Initially it sets the rotor speed, so that I can design the board hammer size, number and other relevant data with the rotor speed. Productivity and size of the crushed materials should be ensured before the overall structure of the design finished, according to the whole structure, I could determine the design of all the major components of the design.
    The design in the article introduced a new Reversible crusher beyond the traditional one, It highlighted the working principle of Reversible crusher, and through the main parts of the strength calculation which optimized the overall structure of the Reversible crusher, moreover, analyzed its advantages and disadvantages and application, and then Reversible crusher of the whole structure was improved design, which is mainly improved rotor design and material selection of nutation reasonable parameters, also can shorten the product development cycle and improve product reliability. Finally, described the operation installation maintenance of the entire machine minutely. Maybe can provide a reference of the use and preparation for coal enterprise.
    Key Words:Impact Crusher ; content ; structure ; calculate目 录
    1. 前言    1
    1.1 可你反击式破碎机课题介绍    1
    1.2 可逆反击式破碎机转子的定义    2
    1.3可逆反击式破碎机研究的目的    2
    1.4可逆反击式破碎机研究的意义    3
    1.5可逆反击式破碎机的发展方向    4
    2. 课题设计    5
    2.1破碎机设计的依据    5
    2.1.1破碎腔的设计    5
    2.1.2反击板的设计    5
    2.1.3转子的设计    5
    2.2 PFK-1212可逆反击式破碎机的用途及使用范围    7
    2.4.1 转子的直径与长度7
    2.4.2 破碎机生产能力7
    2.4.3 破碎机基本结构尺寸.9
        2.6.2 破碎腔10
        2.6.3 转子10
    2.6.4    锤头11
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