    毕业论文关键词:PF-1415反击式破碎机;转子 ;箱体,破碎机,电动机
    Counterattack crusher support cabinet design PF - 1415
    Abstract: the crusher has the effect that cannot replace in many industries, after a crusher can in ceramics, chemical industry, architecture, landscape, and so on the manufacturing industry plays a significant role, is an essential in these industries. Because each material each material has its own features, and the difference between each material is also very big, is also different in the structure, in order to meet the demand of various, the style of the crusher is also very rich, at present there are a lot of the kinds of crusher such as: jaw crusher, counterattack crusher, roller roller crusher, cone crusher, ring hammer crusher. The relatively small crusher broken, crushing efficiency is very low, for the loss of energy is higher, these weaknesses will make crusher apply in some ways there is no way to good. For instance in road building, because corresponding to the needle flake stone particles under ability is very poor, if the content is too high, can produce the result of the overwhelming fracture so as to affect the quality of the pavement, prone to danger, this needs us to improve the crusher, can improve the to perform more efficient crusher. Counterattack crusher function is easy to meet our target. Counter's crushing quality high, scale is small, good particles, high efficiency, low energy consumption, convenient maintenance, etc. At present's crusher is at an extremely rapid rate began to replace other kinds of crusher. It is able to efficiently complete the broken perfect equipment.
    1绪论 1
      1.1引言 1
      1.2项目背景 3
    2设计方案的确定 5
    2.1课题研究中的主要重点及解决 5
    2.1.1 支撑臂的选择 5
    2.1.2 箱体结构的选择 6
      2.2反击式破碎机拟定的一般原则 6
      2.3反击式破碎机的总体设计方案 8
      2.4确定最终的设计方案 8
    3 PF-1415反击式破碎机的结构设计 9
      3.1总体结构图及工作原理   9 
    3.2反击式破碎机安装调试及其注意事项 12
    4 箱体内部相关结构的选用及其计算校核 13
      4.1转子轴强度计算 13
    4.2皮带轮的选用计算 18
      4.3滚动轴承的计算 25
    总结   27
    致谢   29
    参考文献 30
     1 绪论
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