      Abstract  Crusher is metallurgy, chemical industry, mining, electricity, ceramics, cement, construction and highway main equipment and other industries widely used, every year there are a lot of raw materials and reuse of waste materials requires grinding processing. Regarding the topic request design PF - 1318 counterattack crusher cabinet. Comprehensive consideration, the design of single rotor counterattack crusher, can according to different crushing granularity counterattack crushing.
         The design of the prototype of PF - 1318 counterattack crusher cabinet. In the design process, according to the largest feed particle size, rotor diameter and the length of the rotor, technical parameters, such as the crusher housing design. Given the box in the counterattack crusher plays an important function, when the design not only pay attention to the blank selection, material selection and the main problems of treatment process, and to consider the layout of the casing parts and the relationship with the casing external components, structure and size, etc.
    Key words :Counterattack crusher 、enclosure structure 、process
    目  录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1反击式破碎机和破碎机的分类    1
    1.2反击式破碎机的优缺点    1
    1.4反击式破碎机的规格和型号    5
    2 反击式破碎机的工作原理及破碎实质    6
    2.1反击式破碎机的工作原理    6
    2.2反击式破碎机的破碎实质    8
    3  反击式破碎机的主要参数设计    10
    3.1反击式破碎机的总体方案设计    10
    3.2 转子转速的计算    11
    3.3 生产率的计算    11
    4  反击式破碎机转子设计    14
    4.1转子结构设计    14
    4.2 板锤结构形式与数目    15
    4.3转子轴    17
    5  反击式破碎机破碎腔设计    19
    5.2破碎腔结构参数    25
    5.3反击板设计    28
    5.4反击板悬挂装置    31
        5.5 倾翻力矩计算. 33
    6  其它零件选择    35
    6.1电机选择    35
    6.2键的选择    35
    6.3密封与防尘设计    35
    6.4机架箱体设计    35
    6.5润滑    38
    7  结 论    39
    8  致 谢    40
    9 参考文献    41
    1  绪论
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