
    摘要大学生的就业问题一直以来都是备受社会广泛关注的重大问题,它不仅关系到社会人力资源的配置,更关系到学生的前途,学校的声誉和国家的未来。体育专业相比于别的专业来讲,专业性更强一些,就业的范围也相对较窄,体育教育专业更是体育院校中的偏门,该专业毕业生要么从事体育教师行业,要么担当健身教练,要么谋求与所学专业无关的职业。从近些年该专业的就业率来看,也是一年比一年低,由此可见,体育教育专业的就业现状不太乐观。 因此,针对体育教育专业毕业生的就业意向进行调查和分析是具有一定理论和实践价值的,一方面可以掌握学生自身特点和求职动向,从而更有针对性的指导学生就业;另一方面,可以帮助高校更好的完善专业课程设计和就业服务指导,使高校在学生和就业机构之间的桥梁纽带作用发挥得更加充分。44143


    毕业论文关键词: ; 体育教育; 高校; 就业意向  

    Abstract  The employment problem of college students has always been highly social attention on major issues, it not only relates to the social human resources configuration, more related to the future of the students, the reputation of the school and the country's future. Sports specialty compared to other, more professional, employment range is relatively narrow, sports education professional sports colleges and universities in the partial door more, the graduates of the major either in the physical education teachers industry, either as fitness coach, or has nothing to do with your major career. From the point of the professional employment in recent years, is also a year less than a year, therefore, sports education professional obtain employment situation is not optimistic. Therefore, in view of the physical education graduates employment.

        This article through the literature material method, interview method, questionnaire survey method, mathematical statistics method and other methods, to normal university sports education specialized in 2010-2014 graduates employment intention survey, based on the investigation, the conclusion from the analysis of physical education graduates, college employment guidance and the social employment itself to the objective environment and so on three major factors influencing the sports education professional college students' employment. Hope to be able to setup in physical education for colleges and universities, the cultivation system on point the way, in order to strengthen the sex in the whole process of the employment service system of colleges and universities and personalization. At the same time more hope sports education professional students learn to own the problem, and clear direction to employment, actively cultivate practical ability to adapt to society, to improve their comprehensive quality, will himself into the strives for the survival by the quality of the road. 

    Keywords: normal university  Physical education  College  Employment intention 

    目  录


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