

    毕业论文关键词: 高校武术; 散打; 普及; 调查分析

     Abstract Wushu in the development of sports in China more and more people's attention, traditional sports are more and more people love and welcome. As one of Sanda martial arts project, but also by young people love. Especially in the universities have begun to pay attention to Sanda course, gradually increases the opening of the course. Based on the course of the study, the literature, interviews, questionnaires, mathematical statistics and logical analysis, the following conclusions: Through the seven universities found that five universities have been opened Sanda course, They accounted for 71.4% of the surveyed schools, higher popularity. However, due to the lack of culture and lack of Martial Arts and the benefits of its venues and facilities, thus affecting the popularity of Sanda in Universities. Through the investigation of some colleges and universities understand the popularity of the status quo, and provide recommendations for its shortcomings in order to be able to better in Sanda (Xiasha region) universities popularity.

    Keyword: College Wushu; Sanda; universal; investigation and analysis

      目     录

    摘要 3

    Abstract 3

    1前言 4

    1.1问题的提出 4

    1.2研究目的和意义 4

    1.2.1研究的目的 4

    1.2.2研究的意义 4

    2文献综述 5

    2.1普通高校武术散打研究现状回顾 5

    2.2普通高校武术散打发展趋势相关研究回顾 5

    3研究内容、对象及方法 5

    3.1研究内容 5

    3.2研究对象 6

    3.3研究方法 6

    3.3.1文献资料法 6

    3.3.2专家访谈法 6

    3.3.3问卷调查法 7

    3.3.4数理统计法 7

    3.3.5逻辑分析法 7

    4结果与分析 8

    4.1在杭高校(下沙地区)武术散打课程开设普及程度分析 8

    4.1.1在杭高校(下沙地区)武术散打课程开设的数量情况 8

    4.1.2在杭高校(下沙地区)武术散打课设置情况分析 8

    4.1.2在杭高校(下沙地区)武术散打授课内容情况分析 8


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