



    Abstract:Sports can also be called a sports game, is to strengthen the Constitution for the purposeof physical exercise, training, etc.. In our country, mainly refers to the process of physical education teachers carry out various sports activities according to certain plans andorganize effective education for the students. A large part of the sports development is mainly reflected in the physical education, China is a country with a large population of the country, the rural population accounts for a large proportion, so the physical education in rural areas has become a priority among priorities.

    In this paper, the research process by questionnaire, literature review and field survey,conducted a comprehensive investigation and analysis of rural junior high school students in Huaian city on sports learning attitude, learning mode, physical exercise habits andlearning ability and effect. This paper mainly from the aspect of five is discussed, the influence factors of the current situation of the development of 1 Jiangsu Province, ruraljunior middle school sports in Huaian city in 2 rural junior middle schools physical education situation and analysis of Huaian 3 Rural Junior Middle School Physical EducationCountermeasures in Huaian city in 4 rural junior high school physical education development analysis of the development of teaching in rural junior middle schools ofHuaian City on 5 Sports policy.

     Keywords:in rural areas of Huaian City,junior middle school,the current situation of sports,countermeasure research

    目 录

    1  前言 5

    2  研究对象和方法 5

        2.1  研究对象 5

        2.2  研究方法 5

        3  研究结果与分析 7

        3.1  江苏省农村初级中学体育的发展现状 7

        3.2  淮安市农村初级中学体育教育现状分析 9

        3.3  淮安市农村初级中学体育教育的影响因素分析 13

    4  结论与建议 16

        4.1结论 16

        4.2 建议 17

        参 考 文 献 19

    致  谢 20 1  前言


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