
    摘  要:本文采用了文献资料法、问卷调查法、访谈法、数理统计法等研究方法,从范学院体教学生对篮球的认知态度、参与篮球运动情况、学校篮球硬件条件、篮球选修课、校园篮球开展状况等方面对范学院体教学生对篮球兴趣的现状进行分析,得出以下结论:1、篮球运动受到淮师体育教育学生的喜爱,篮球在男生中具有广泛的兴趣基础,而女生的篮球兴趣现状令人担忧;体教学生对篮球运动的相对还是比较了解的,一般了解和非常了解的比重之和与喜欢的比重相对应,学生价值观多倾向于强身健体与娱乐身心。2、大部分学生热爱篮球活动,但对篮球内容的认同度较低。学校篮球场地有限,课程安排存在一定的不合理化。3、淮师篮球活动以学生自发形式进行,“与同伴一起”成为影响课外篮球活动的主要因素之一,学校篮球运动氛围好,篮球赛组织多样化,但要求水平较高,影响学生参与度。64675


    Abstract: this article used the literature material law, questionnaire survey method, interview method, mathematical statistics and other research methods, from the pision standard normal college teaching students cognitive attitude to the game of basketball, participate in the basketball movement situation, school basketball hardware conditions, elective courses, and the situation of the campus basketball on huai teacher teachers college to teach students to analyze the present situation of the basketball interest, the following conclusions: 1, the basketball movement by huai sports education students love, basketball has extensive interest in boys, and girls basketball interest in the status quo of concern; Body was more understanding teaches the student to the basketball movement, generally understand and know very well the proportion of the proportion of the sum and the like, students values tend to be more physical fitness and entertainment body and mind. 2, most of the students love basketball activities, but the contents of the basketball less esteemed. School basketball court is limited, there were some not reasonable course arrangement. 3, huai spontaneous form of basketball activities to students, "with a partner" has become one of the main factors influencing the basketball activities, school basketball campaign atmosphere is good, the basketball game group persification, but the demand level is higher, affect students' participation.

    Keywords: The sports education,Interest in basketball,course,atmosphere

    1 前言3

    2 研究对象与方法3

    2.1 研究对象3

    2.2 研究方法3

    2.2.1 文献资料法3

    2.2.2 访谈法3

    2.2.3 问卷调查法3

    2.2.4 数理统计法3

    3 结果与分析4

    3.1 学生对篮球运动的认知态度4

    3.1.1 学生最喜欢的课外运动项目的调查研究4

    3.1.2 学生对篮球运动的了解与是否喜欢篮球运动的调查4

    3.2 学生参加篮球运动情况5

    3.2.1 学生参加篮球运动次数5

    3.2.2 学生参加篮球运动动机6

    3.2.3 学生不经常参加篮球运动原因6

    3.3 学校篮球硬件设施情况7

    3.3.1 学校篮球设施配备7

    3.4 学校篮球选修课对学生篮球运动兴趣的影响情况8

    3.4.1 教学内容的影响8

    3.5 学校篮球赛开展情况9

    3.5.1 学校篮球赛参与形式调查研究9

    3.5.2 学校篮球氛围情况调查9

    4 结论与建议11

    4.1 结论11

    4.2 建议11




    1  前言


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