


     Abstract    This paper mainly adopts the questionnaire, interview and statistical methods, conducted a survey on the leisure sports consumption behavior of Jianggan District residents in Zhejiang Province, the current characteristics are analyzed and studied, the results show that the different ages and different jobs of the city residents to choose the leisure sports activities has obvious difference. They also hold different views on sports consumption. In this connection, this paper combined with the local sports facilities construction, and the existing conditions of local residents, put forward suggestions on leisure sports behavior, should increase the construction of sports facilities in some areas of community investment, the development of the sports industry, to create a good sports ring for residents; related enterprises or foreign venues should be expanded open, increase the utilization rate of sports facilities, improve the deep development of products and services, according to Jianggan District residents' Sports Consumption Countermeasures and suggestions of fee behavior. 

    Key words: Jianggan District;  urban residents;  leisure sports;  consumer behavior

    1.前言 1

    2.研究对象和方法 1

    2.1研究对象 1

    2.2研究方法 2

    2.2.1文献资料法 2

    2.2.2问卷调查法 2

    2.2.3数理统计法 2

    2.2.4访谈法 2

    3结果与分析 2

    3.1调查对象的基本状况 2

    3.2杭州市江干区城市居民休闲体育消费的行为特征分析 3

    3.2.1杭州市江干区城市居民休闲体育消费意识 3

    3.2.2杭州市江干区城市居民休闲体育消费动机 3

    3.2.3杭州市江干区城市居民休闲体育消费水平 4

    3.2.4杭州市江干区城市居民休闲体育消费内容 4

    3.3影响杭州市江干区城市居民休闲体育消费的行为因素分析 6

    3.3.1个人爱好 6

    3.3.2空闲时间 6

    3.3.3场地设施条件 7

    3.3.4教练员专业水平 7

    4结论与建议 7

    4.1结论 7

    4.2建议 7

    参考文献 9


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