    Influence of process parameters on without adding yoghurt
    Abstract:Yogurt development begins to improve flavor and healthy. Development without additives or add less products is an option for the rational regression of the food industry. The viscosity and sensory evaluation of yoghurt without additives was chosen as the estimated index, the effects of protein content, lactococcus lactis addition amount, pressure and temperature of back-pressure on texture and flavor of yoghurt without additives were compared by single-factor test. Eventually get the optimal parameters were: protein content 4.64%, fermentation acidity 85 ° T, lactococcus lactis addition amount 1.2×107cfu/g, pressure of back-pressure 0.4Mpa, temperature of back-pressure 24℃.The production under this condition has appropriate viscosity and good taste and flavor.
    Key Words: Protein; Final acid fermentation; Back pressure temperature; lactococcus lactis; Sensory evaluation

    目   录
    I  摘要    I
    II  Abstract    I
    1   前言    1
    1.1    酸奶概述    1
    1.2    酸奶种类    2
    1.3    酸奶的营养特点    2
    1.4    酸奶的发展利用前景    2
    1.5    影响酸奶品质的因素    2
    1.5.1    蛋白质的影响    2
    1.5.2    乳干物质的影响    3
    1.5.3    菌种的影响    3
    1.5.4    发酵条件的影响    3
    1.6    研究目的和意义    4
    2    材料与方法    5
    2.1    材料与仪器设备    5
    2.1.1    菌种    5
    2.1.2    实验材料    5
    2.1.3    主要仪器和设备    5
    2.2    实验方法    6
    2.2.1    酸奶制备工艺流程    6
    2.2.2    酸奶酸度的测定    6
    2.2.3    酸奶的流变学粘度测定    6
    2.2.4    酸奶的感官评定     7
    3    结果与分析    7
      3.1  工艺参数对无添加酸奶粘度的影响    7
        3.1.1    蛋白质含量对无添加酸奶粘度的影响    7
        3.1.2    发酵终点酸度对无添加酸奶粘度的影响    8
        3.1.3    乳酸乳球菌添加量对无添加酸奶粘度的影响    9
    3.1.4    背压温度对无添加酸奶粘度的影响    9
    3.1.5    背压压力对无添加酸奶粘度的影响    10
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